vendredi 19 février 2016

Why hello!

Hi there! I've just joined the forum, but I've been lurking for a while. It started after I googled probably the strangest thing I ever will- "Can Chinchillas have nightmares?"!

And the reason for googling this is because we own two male chins, occasionally one of them will start barking in his sleep!
The reason I thought of nightmares is because they will be laid separately, asleep, and one will just start barking!

Anyway, after googling I found out they can have nightmares- According to people on this forum anyway.

So, a bit of an intro... Well, TBH with you all- I took over the care of my fiancé's chinchillas because he wasn't entirely caring for them.

Unfortunately due to space limitations they aren't in the biggest cage currently as we were forced to move into a small 1-bed flat. Don't get me wrong, it's not *tiny*. It's just not what would be classed as big enough for a pair. However, I have plans to fix this when we move into a bigger place which shouldn't be long at all.
They have a large 8 sided run which gets set up daily for them to stretch out in as well, which usually means my living room is taken over by chinchilla stuff!
The boys we own are a standard grey called Nibbler and a Black Velvet called Shadow.
Nicknamed Nib Nib and Snubby(he has a snubby nose).

Nibbler is around about 5 years old now, he was bred by my fiancé himself.
Snubby was bought as a pair of male from the dreaded Pets At Home... This is because Nibbler used to live with his dad, Chip. Chip sadly passed away leaving Nibbler pining badly. He wouldn't eat properly, wouldn't move, just sat in a corner crying most of the time. This went on for two or so weeks before we decided to get him some more companions. The three males got on perfectly for about 5 months, but that didn't last. Nibbler and Shadow started bullying Midnight(the other male) quite badly and they had to be separated.

Anyway, here's some pictures!
This is the large run that I set up for them daily.

And the boys themselves- During dust baths xD
Shadow- AKA Snubby. The Black Velvet.

Nibbler- AKA Nib Nib. The Standard Grey.

And back in their normal colours.
About to be cleaned out, Snubby's ready!

Nibbler happily chomping away.

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