jeudi 11 février 2016

Being a Worry Wort about new Kit.

Ok, it's 2:30am in England and I have an early start in the morning, but instead of sleeping peacefully I'm awake fretting about having everything just right for my new arrival.:unsure::read::confused3:
What do I stuff the fleece that covers the metal base pan with?
How much headroom is needed between shelves?
I have measured the bottom section of the cage and if I had ledges 6" up from base. Each shelf being 5" long with a 6" gap between shelves.
Then 6" above first set of shelves, 5" long shelves, 6" apart filling in gaps of first shelves I would need 28 shelves to do both ends of cage and 22 shelves to do the 2 sides.
Is this too much? :unsure:
There is a built in metal shelf 1/2 way across the cage, 1/2 way up. I did wonder if I should take this out and just have wooden shelves and fleece hammocks instead?
Without this shelf it would be much easier to hang hammocks.
Here's a reminder of what cage looks like, minus the metal ladders.
AVENTURA Tall ALL METAL CHEWPROOF Rat Ferret Chinchilla Degu Large Cage 1152
Thanks for all the help to date, sorry there are so many questions I just want my Kit to be healthy and happy living in the very best home I can provide.
By the way are the bar spacings ok for a new kit?

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