jeudi 4 février 2016

1 chin or 2?

Ok, I was all set to get 2 because I know Chins live in extended groups and I think it wrong to keep any creature from it's own kind unless a) it's own kind are naturally solitary, b) the individual is a hermit, c) there is a good reason for this course of action.
In my research I've read that yes they do like company, no they are happy with a human, they can have company and then demand a divorce.
I'm just about to put my foot on the path of this long journey :unsure: I and my potential fur babies could really use some help ~ Please.
I'm out of my home at the longest 5.5 hrs every other Sat, 4.5 hrs Wed during term time. Other than that it's 2 hours Tues & Fri.
This very rarely changes as I'm disabled and unless the weather is dry I can't get out on my own. I can't put my waterproofs on alone without excruciating pain.
So my furry family have me home a lot of the time, and they have each other in terms of the cats.
So my question is, could/would this be enough for a Chinchilla? Or should I get 2?
I would only have a same sex pair because def no breeding :facepalm::no:
and I don't want to risk neutering a male.
Thanks for reading

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