mercredi 10 septembre 2014

Fake soil as a substrate

Hi folks, newbie here to the forum *sheepish wave* :)

I'll be getting my first hedgehog in November, and at the moment I'm trying to organise everything so that I'm ready for hedgie's arrival! I've been reading a lot about the pros and cons of different bedding (seems everyone's a fleece fan!), but personally I don't like the idea of fleece. I'd like the hedgie to have some burrowing possibilities.

The only thing I haven't seen mentioned anywhere I've looked is a soil-type set-up, like what you'd see in a terrarium. I've found this fake soil made from coconut, and I was wondering what experienced hedgie guardians thought of it as a substrate? AFAIK coconut is ok for hedgies, it'd be nice and soft on their wee feet, and they could muck about if they wanted. Possible cons are difficulty to detect funny poops/urine (though not if a litterbox is used) and high humidity (?) but that's pure guesswork.

Here's what the site says about it anyway:


100% natural substrate

Ideal for natural terrarium set-ups

Increases humidity in terrariums

Stimulates natural digging and burrowing behavior

Nutritional substrate for live plants

Exo Terra Plantation Soil is made from compressed coconut husk fibre from the plantations of tropical Asia. This ecological substrate is ideal for increasing humidity in the terrarium and is totally safe for frogs, salamanders and burrowing or digging animals. The substrate can also be used as an incubation medium because of its hygroscopic properties. This 100% natural substrate can even be used as a nutritional planting soil for live plants in a terrarium set-up.

What do ye folks think? I would love some advise!

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