jeudi 28 août 2014

Colour vs personality

This is probably a dumb question but here I go.....

I will have a choice of colours when I come to chose my new chin and I was wondering if different colours have different personality traits.

I have owned hamsters now for over 6 years and I have noticed a pattern with the colours and personalities. For example out of the hamsters I have had: cinnamons are laid back, banded hamsters are placid, tortoiseshells are naughty and my grey was very clever. Not to mention the dwarf hamsters (I could go on forever).

I am thinking of going for a male because the male animals I have had all seem to be a little more chilled than the females. But having never had a chin I may be completely off the mark!

As for colour I am not really concerned because I want the chin to be happy and healthy first. But I would like to know if there is a patten with colour and personalities. Are there any health issues related to colour also (like white cats with blue eyes are likely to be deaf).

I really hope this makes sense! Sorry for the essay and potentially dumb question! :))

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