mardi 6 octobre 2015

unrestricted playtime- any arguments against

Firstly thanks to all on this site for providing a great resource to new chin parents.

We adopted two 9 month old brothers, Baffie & Scoot last week. They previously shared a home with a toddler, so their out of cage time may have been restricted, involving a lot of being held. Consequently it seems the poor wee beasties have a fear of hands and of people sitting on the floor.

The first night we let them out of their cage it took them about an hour to learn about their new surroundings, and begin to gain confidence running and jumping. They seemed to be having such fun that it would have been a sin to lock them back in their cage (especially after all the work of chin proofing the room) so we left them out until we went to bed.

Each night we have repeated the exercise. Opening the cage at about 6pm; they come out at 8pm, have a crazy 45 mins or so bouncing and exploring, then go back to their cage (or more recently into one of the cardboard tubes next to us on the sofa) for a wee rest. Then its back to bouncing, chasing and exploring again. Usually we retire around 2am, so they get about 6-8 hrs out of cage exercise.

If we are snuggled up on the couch with a book or the TV is there any argument why they shouldn't be out with us?
We are new to chinchillas so any advice welcome.

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