vendredi 16 octobre 2015

blood from anus

Hi need advice please! My boy Ferdinand is not doing well, took him to the vet wednesday because he wasn't eating or pooping. They prescribed a motility med and pain med and filed some teeth (he has a history of teeth issues, mainly spurs and is not a big chewer so his front teeth can overgrow slightly). Tonight I picked him up to hand feed him and saw a small amount of blood from his anus.

He isn't lethargic but is stretching his belly occassionally if that makes sense

I have tried calling my amazing vet but they don't have anyone to see him in urgent care. There is one e-vet that sees exotics but not really knowledgable about chins, so, should I take him to that one or see if I can get a monday or weekend appointment with someone who knows chins specifically?


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