lundi 12 octobre 2015

Chinchilla cage DIY

My girlfriend created some plans for her chin cage and I helped her assemble it. It is 54" x 36" x 54"

That isn't going to be the final roof, but it'll hold them for now.

The back wall is Particle board that has been wrapped with three layers. The innermost layer is fleece, followed by 1/4" mesh hardware cloth, followed by a nicer layer of fleece on the outside. The hardware cloth ensures that if they manage to chew a hole through the fleece somehow, they cant chew through the second layer. I don't have to tell you guys how bad MDF would be to chinchillas.

Compared to the old cage, this one is rock solid. The only thing you here when they are running and jumping is the pitter patter of their feet. only noticeable noise is when they decide to chew on the shelves. This should be very beneficial when we put the wheel back in, because having an energetic chinchilla running on a wheel all night in your room must be hard to put up with.

Kiwi is really happy with the cage but she is ready for the flying saucer to be put back in. She was running up and down the length of the cage and jumping up and down the shelves. She was so hyper that she couldn't sit still, she would run a few steps and turn around in a circle. :laughitup:

And as for sunshine? well I'm sure she's just glad she can get some rest while kiwi is running about!

here are some more pictures of cute chinchillas!

I put a few more in the album here:

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