mardi 3 mars 2015

fighting back tears

Tonight Hummus's new cage was finally finished and safe enough for him to go into. ( I just have some cosmetic work to do on the outside and some playthings I want to make for the inside but it's sturdy and safe. )

I worked hard on trying to make everything accessible and interesting for him and was very nervous about how he'd take to it. After his exercise time tonight I placed him not in his temporary cage as he was use to, but in his custom new one and held my breath.

He was delighted with the ledges and the tunnel and spent a good, long time exploring and then he tried to popcorn across the floor. I've never seen him do this before. He was so happy that he was dancing.

I still have tears in my eyes that something so basic could make him so happy and It breaks my heart that some people look on these sweet little characters and only see profit to be made. He lived his entire life in a cramped little cage at a backyard breeder as a cast-off that couldn't be sold to a petshop and yet he somehow managed to remain trusting and loving and his delights at things I consider everyday necessities for Pita makes my heart overflow.

Things like the first time he ate a treat his eyes got huge and he wanted them all and tried to fit himself into the cheerio box and when I gave him timothy hay on the first night he came home he was so excited he rolled in it. The next night I made the mistake of filling Pita's feed bowl first and he stretched his little arms out through the bars of his cage, begging for some too.

How could anyone be so indifferent to these beautiful little souls?

Hummus cannot dance like Pita, his body won't allow him to jump and twirl but he can express happiness and it was beautiful to watch.


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