mardi 31 mars 2015

Moving to AZ - Help please!

Hi Everyone, it's been awhile since I've posted on here. I'm writing in hopes you all will have some words of advice/help me with my anxiety over this siutation.

I currently live in MN with my chin, Juanita, and (it's not 100% official) but it looks like I will be attending Arizona State University for graduate school. The program/funding are great but my biggest worry is the heat! Coming from MN I'm used to hot summers, but not AZ hot...and more importantly, neither is my chin.

So my question/concern/etc is mainly...can I keep her alive/safe and thriving/happy in AZ? I have a portable AC unit...though I've seen Swamp Coolers mentioned (no idea what those are really, aside from what I've read). I'm 100% comfortable paying a big bill for electric (if anyone has thoughts as to how much I should expect, that'd be a nice heads up lol) if it means she can keep cool, but for those of you in hotter temps, with an AC on are the temps manageable? I know there are planty of people who own chins in hot climates...I'm just paranoid when her temp hits 75 (F). Ideally I'd love to be home every time it's blazing hot outside, sitting next to her with my car keys ready to turn my car into a freezer for her, but I need to know generally how she'll be since realistically I'll be in class sometimes and can't always be home. Maybe I'm worrying too much about this, but I just want to know that I'm not going to be putting her in danger!Also, if anyone can speak to this, I've been questioning whether or not I should get a 2 bedroom apt so she can have her own room so the AC can blast in there - but I'm not sure really how to go about all this!

Any thoughts/words of advice are GREATLY appreciated. I want to be excited about scholarships and potentially attending, but I just am so full of anxiety and worry over her safety and the heat!

Thank you SOO MUCH in advance!!

- Mikaela :)

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