vendredi 16 janvier 2015

Losing Weight

Ok so I'm worried.

When I first got Apollo, he was a happy, normal sized chin. He was previously fed alfalfa and pellets. Now he is fed meadow hay and the same pellets as before. He is still happy but he has lost weight. A few months ago I weighed him and he was about 450g. The other day I weighed him and he was 435g. I weighed him today and he was 428g. I'm really worried that he may have teeth problems. He is eating his pellets normally, he rarely gets treats but he gets excited when I produce one. He still gets excited (I only gave him a shreddie just to see if he still got excited about it) His poops are normal. He's drinking fine. He is still happy and bouncy but the problem is his hay. He has never really warmed up to it. When I first got him he refused to touch it. Then he started eating most of it (not all) Now he eats a tiny amount and throws the rest out of the rack. I am getting some alfalfa in about a week. Should I continue to weigh him every couple of days and after he's started on the alfalfa, if there is no improvement, should I take him to the vet? Luckily I live about 5-10 minutes away from a decent exotic vet so that shouldn't be a problem. Just don't want any unnecessary stress for him.

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