jeudi 29 janvier 2015

behavior change regarding playtime and me

So Cloud is almost 2. And he used to adore playtime. Every time I opened the cage door he was trying to get out, every time I was near his cage he'd beg. I wanted him to get used to being held so I trained him to get on my arm to get out of the cage. Or thought I did. Now he's different. He won't jump on my arm anymore at all, he doesn't run to the cage door or beg for playtime. And he doesn't like my hands anymore. Well not that they ever thrilled him but he used to be tolerant of being petted in his cage, now not so much. I had two ideas why this could be, one was that a bit ago playtime became more infrequent, and I don't know if I totally untrained him. The other, I was reading threads on puberty because he definitely went through it, but there's not so much about what happens after. Could his behavior change come from puberty ending and adulthood setting in? Or did I screw him up? Any thoughts?

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