jeudi 15 janvier 2015

Hello from North Texas - AcornHill

I'm not new to chinchillas or this forum, joined in 2013; however I don't think I ever introduced myself. My name is Terry Jo Pyper and I use AcornHill Ranch as my logo (the ranch part is for the goats and llamas we had on our ranch not for chinchillas) and raise to improve my stock in ebony, standard and mosaic (with an occasional beige thrown in). All my animals (except my first) are show stock from CCCU, Jim Ritterspach and Bob Smith's herds.

I started out as a veterinary assistant many many years ago and now work in the medical field. I showed, rescued, did obedience, supported a breed club and very occasionally bred Akitas for 32 years and am still involved in the local AKC club. My last champion died 1yr ago. Years ago I got into the rabbit show field and enjoyed showing (incl. Best of Breed breeder) up until winter 2013 when I sold or gave my show rabbits to fellow rabbit breeders. It had become difficult to juggle getting to the rabbit shows and while my asthma doesn't mind the chins...the rabbits were starting to bother me. I had added a chinchilla room a few years ago - so now the chins and I "chill" in lieu of the bunnys. I'm very knowledgeable in breeding, raising and while not in showing chinchillas - very experienced with genetics, nutrition, dogs, chinchillas and rabbits. I'm a huge supporter of 4-H. Love to talk animal - be it birds, dogs, rescue or chinchillas (even ranch stock)!

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