jeudi 22 janvier 2015

fur slip!

I am so worried. I made a first attempt at play time today and t wasn't a complete disaster, but as my title implies, we had a fur slip. I was able to coax him onto his carrier a few times but he would quickly pop out, the last time he tried I had grabbed him from underneath and slipped him back inside however there was a small dime sized bit of fur left in my hand and my heart absolutely sunk. I took him to the bath room and let him out to play. He hopped around and explored, even hopped on me a few times. getting him back in his carrier again was still a bit tricky but we got there. When i got him back into his cage he went right into his wood hut and looked like he was trying to sleep. I really hope he'll be okay and that he wasn't very traumatized by the experience. I won't be trying another play time until next week for sure. :nolove:

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