mardi 29 avril 2014


So, we have two chins, and one of them (he is younger) we have had him for 6 months, and he is sweet, and friendly. It didn't used to be a problem...But now he pees all the time, everywhere. When we let him out for play time, he will be on the carpet, or in the bathroom he will pee on the tile. (even if we put a bedding pan in the bathroom during playtime) when we put him in the carrier to clean the cage he pees in that and it gets all over him. He pees in all over the cage too (we have the chinchilla mansion). They have two bed pans with aspen bedding, he does pee in those, but he will also pee all over the shelves, and the bottom of the cage that doesn't have bedding. Anyone have any tips? It's making the room smell. and its messy! And the two chins get a long great. no fighting.

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