samedi 26 avril 2014

Hi everyone :) need advice! X

Hi everyone my name is Hannah and I am proud mummy of gizmo Joey and beau who are 3 male chinchillas.

I really need some advice on my chinchillas please if anyone can help!

Basically 2 years I go I fell in love with twin male chinchillas Joey and gizmo and I had to have them they lived happily together for months and then all of a sudden they turned on each other and fought so bad I had to seperate them they live in seperate cages but live happily next to each other with no problems.

In December just gone for my birthday I chose another chinchilla called beau and he is the most lovely lovely snuggley chinchilla he loves nothing more than cuddling where Joey and gizmo don't as much, I wanted to get 2 beau and another but was too scared because of what happened with Joey and gizmo I am thinking of rescuing another chinchilla for him, should I get male or female?

And also Joey is in cage next to him and they keep going up to each other and then running around playing in cages jumping off there ledges is this aggression or are they just playing?

Sorry for long story and thanks!


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