vendredi 4 décembre 2015

Startling behavior, what is this!?

Last night my male chin, Bentley, did something strange that I've never had him do before.

We discovered he loves organic rolled oats, it's like a drug to him. He goes bonkers when we give him some and will practically maul us for more.

He was out last night and I fed him a couple small pinches and decided that was enough. He decided he wanted more and grabbed the baggie that held the oats.

I took it away from him and said no. He grabbed my hand tight between his two front feet and also grabbed a bit of skin in a pinch. Then it seemed like he was humping my hand. Or jerking it around or something. He startled me and I got scared because I thought he would bit down harder on my skin though I barely felt his teeth and he didn't even leave a red mark.

I pushed him off my hand and told him, "No". He did it again and I kecked at him. And he let go and ran away. Afterwards he was his nice polite little self again.

Could someone please tell me what happened!? Was that a temper tantrum, an act of dominance? Once chins do that do they begin to bite more?

I have an irrational fear of being bitten. Does this mean he's crossed a boundary and will begin to bite?

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