jeudi 31 décembre 2015

Family wants to hold chin?


I have had my chinchilla for nearly 2 weeks. She probably isn't tamed COMPLETELY, but, She lets me pet her, she climbs on top of me, she willingly takes treats from me, I give her scratches, and she always comes running to the front of her bin to greet me. The only thing is she will not let me hold her.

My family are really upset they can't hold her, or play with her,and keep nagging me to take her out of her cage. I take my chin out for playtime every day for at least an hour, and they want her to be an "around the house" pet such as a cat or dog.

No matter how many times I tried to explain to them it just won't work, they still nag and nag. Any ideas on what to do? Any help is appreciated. :)

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