jeudi 10 décembre 2015

possible URI or esophageal obstruction

My chin, Chloe, has been acting off for the past couple weeks. She's eating less hay and I caught her pawing at her mouth a couple times. Assuming the worst (dental disease) I took some sedated radiographs the next day at work, 12/2. They look normal to me and to the non-specialist doctor. Also doc saw nothing on sedated oral exam. Thinking maybe she is not a fan of her new bag of hay, I stopped freaking out.
Last night, she started making weird noises. Almost like it was painful to swallow. Her neck protrudes forward, eyes squint and ears are back. A strange purring noise follows. Also she sometimes squeaks softly. When I tried looking in her mouth again (to no avail-stupid decision on my part) amidst the squirming she made some congested nasally noise. No discharge. Decreased energy, is sleeping more on the bottom of her cage.
Last night took her to Tufts who told me she was fine. I brought her in to work today and asked the doc to give me injectable enrofloxacin. She is on 6.2mg SC once a day, began today. I calculated her dose to be 10mg/kg which the doc was fine with. I'm wondering if anyone has experienced any of these symptoms in their chin before and what dose worked for them. All images of the rads and the video was too large to attach, I can keep playing and try again. Would appreciate any advice. I can't see a specialist this weekend cause I'll be out of the state until sunday unfortunately, but I can call around for next week. Thank you!!!

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