mercredi 16 septembre 2015


Took the whole herd of chins to the vet yesterday and two have bumblefoot for having lived on wire bottomed cages for their whole lives. From what I can tell, they are not horrible cases of bumblefoot, at least not from some of the pics I've seen online. Also, the feet aren't hot, scabby, or anything, more like they have cracks and my girl's feet are pink on the "heels" if that makes sense.

Dr. prescribed GenOne spray for their feet and the dosage is 2x/day for 7 days.....but when I look it up in the books and online, it seems like it is much more of a process to deal with than just spray a bit of medicine on it twice a day for a week. Is there anything else that I ought to be doing? Dr. didn't prescribe soaks or antibiotics or anything, which is fine if it's not needed, but for some reason it seems like those things are generally brought up as treatment, and I've found nothing about using GenOne for chins for bumblefoot or otherwise.

I'm new to chins, and I don't mean to question those that have studied vet medicine longer than I have, I am just wanting to learn. TIA!

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