mercredi 4 février 2015

Too Much Weight Gain?

I adopted my chinchilla from a shelter on December 21st 2014. I've weighed her frequently since then and in 45 days she's went from 627 grams to 742 grams (115 gram gain) and still seems to be gaining. Her weight according to her adoption paper was 660 grams. (My scale was low on batteries and I've since changed them so if we go by her weight on her papers to now it's an 82 gram gain if my scale was off at the beginning. I'm not sure.)

My question is, is this much weight gain normal? Is it too much? Should I restrict her pellet food to two tablespoons day with unlimited hay?

I'm hoping she is not pregnant. It has been 116 days since she was brought to the shelter. She was there for two months. There was one other chinchilla separate from her in another cage that I was initially told was male and later told was female. I don't know if they had any contact. I cannot feel any nipples or see any movement of kits.

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