lundi 16 février 2015

double chins for the low

Hello chinchilla people!

I'm very psyched as i'm about to receive a condo cage, two female (sister) chinchillas, and many of their necessities.

A friend doesn't have the time to care for them and I am the loving/lucky owner to take them in. My experience with rodents ranges as far as ferrets and gerbils.

My biggest concern is keeping the cage cool. My home is kept around 74 degrees and I plan on taking extra measures to keep the chinchi's chilling.

I heard my fans will do more harm than good. There is a storage space below the cage, and thought to make it a haven for ice; since cool air falls i'm not sure it'd be much help. I also have some cool towels (Dwayne Wade) I was thinking of how to put it to use. Last resort would be frying pans full of ice but this seems temporary.

My goal is to make the set up more low-maintenance to give the rodents the special care, instead of the habitat. Miami weather gets killer in about a few months, anyone care to partake some wisdom?

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