jeudi 19 février 2015

Nebulizer ???

So I posted a while back about luna having sneezing and white in her eyes anyway we went to vet tried baytril, she stopped eating it was removed and replaced with septril she happily took the whole course no problems during this. Afterwards about 2 days she started sneezing a lot so we have had her back to the vet and she's been given a second round of septril. And we were told she either should go into veterinary hospital for nebulizing or we could buy the stuff which we did ( didn't want the poor girl upset and away from us and her friend) anyway she's been in nebulizer chamber 2 times she hates it and desperately tries to shew her way out. Begs me litrally. And now she seems to hate me. My vet has gone on holiday and although told me how long 2x a day 20 mins with 7ml of the medacine. She forgot to tell me how long to run the course does anyone else know ?. Or should I assume that 5 days since that's how long she said she'd want to keep her in hospital.

I can't wait to get this over with and have my Lil girl fixed she was so friendly sweet and loving now she's terrafied of me and hides I want to fix this.

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