mercredi 28 mai 2014

New chin is too fast and smart for me.

ase you don't feel like reading the spiel below, here is a summery:

How do I catch a chin who has learned to stay away from treats and only ever go half way into his dust bath?


A week ago I took in an ~2.5 year old chinchilla who's owner didn't have time for him anymore. At this point I can pick him up to go to playtime pretty easily but the little energy ball never wants to get picked up to go back. The first time I brought him out to his play space the old hand over the dust bath trick worked. Then he learned to never go more than half way so he can dash away before I get him. I tried to lure him with treats but after one failed catch attempt he wont go after them.

I did manage to grab him one of the times he got close. I don't want him to start avoiding me during play time. Poor little guy wants nothing more that to get out of his cage to play and stay there but I have to go to work at some point ><. Little guy was out for 45 minutes last time and promptly passed out when I got him back to the cage. I've got him a bunch of new chew toys and tunnels for the cage and a wheel is on it's way. Hopefully the wheel with give him something to do aside from begging to come out.

Until then, and if that doesn't do the trick, anyone have any tips for catching him? I'd like to take him out to play for half an hour before work and half an hour before i got to bed but I can't afford the time for him to not want to let me take him back in. any tips?

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