lundi 6 juin 2016

Bag Balm for Chinchilla feet?

New chinchilla, no history. She's got some thinning fur on her back feet on top (inside toe on both feet). Her toes are a bit red. Her pads are really dry and cracked. My vet thinks she's allergic to the aspen bedding and wants me to switch to using a fleece liner. She also thinks her previous owner was giving her too many dust baths. She recommended putting bag balm on her feet a couple times a day once I switch to the fleece. Also wants me to do a dust bath just once every two weeks until this clears up. She said it is not Bumblefoot.

Anyone else used bag balm? Any known problems? How often did you use it?

I heard it's got a natural antisceptic in it which will help prevent infections in their feet.

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