mercredi 18 mai 2016


Yesterday I was packing up my dorm room for the summer while my boys were in their cage as usual. At one point I think I heard someone fall because I remember looking over at the cage in response to a noise. I saw Mojo lying on the ground (it isn't abnormal for the boys to get rambunctious and take a small tumble-they have a ferret nation cage with various wooden ledges to jump from) so I wasn't overly concerned until I saw Mojo wasn't able to walk well at all. He was pushing his front legs forward with his back legs and not using his front.

Initially I thought he hurt his leg but none of his legs appeared out of sorts and he made no noise of pain when I gently touched any of them and stretched them out. He was having real trouble walking and keeping his balance, he would stumble and/or fall over every few steps.

I immediately moved him into his travel cage, which I actually had prepped and ready as I leave Florida tomorrow to drive up north for the summer. It's one level with no ledges or anything so he can't hurt himself further. In addition to the Wobblieness and what I now believe is vertigo (and not an injured leg as originally suspected) he had multiple seizures (for lack of a better word, not sure that's what they were) basically he would conture his face (pull his lip back, almost grimacing) and curl his body up, and stay frozen like that for a few seconds then go back to normal. I saw him do this a number of times, maybe 6-8, and he may have had more I didn't see in the medical cage he's in now.

This happened late last night, around 10pm, and so I couldn't get him to a veterinarian right away, plus it's finals week and I have no car until today, so I doubt anyone would have been able to take me through studying and needing to sleep. He seems better this morning, he's taking food (he wasn't interested prior) and is balancing better, but he's still very lethargic. I'm honestly just very concerned this is a head injury, and if it is, is there anything a vet can do? Unfortunately I don't know if I'll be able to bring him to a vet in Florida, although if he gets any worse I'll find a way. Otherwise I may go up north with him and if he's still having issues, he'll be going to his original vet upon arrival.

Anyways, I'm really just interested to see if anyone has experienced anything like this before, and if you have, what would be the best thing to do for him in the interim before I can get him to a vet?

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