jeudi 12 mai 2016

Eating aspen bedding--is this safe?

My new rescue chin tries to chew on everything. I started her on shredded paper bedding but she just wanted to eat it so I immediately switched to aspen. Per the message boards aspen or pine are the best. She has several wood toys and a wood house to chew on but it seems her favorite pasttime is to pick up her bedding and eat it. Is she actually eating it like food or is she just chewing it down? Is this common? Okay?? It's like her bedding is an additional toy.

She also itches a lot. How common are allergies in chins? I'm allergic to pine so I hope she's not allergic to aspen.

She has some small scabs around her neck; the rest of her body seems fine, no marks. I don't have her history and adopted her two days ago. She's been scratching her neck the most. Is this a sign of allergies or could she have scratched herself from itching?

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