jeudi 17 mars 2016

Surprise St. Patrick's Day Babies

Hello Everyone!

My seven year old chinchilla just had kits - two seem healthy and one was still born. I haven't been on this forum in years and I do remember how some feel about back yard breeding, but this was an accident and I already separated my (apparently) father from Izzie. I did have a few questions that I was hoping some more experienced members could help with? Unfortunately the larger kit fell from a four door high shelf before I realized the kits were there and could but them in a baby safe cage (luckily I was home and actually the father, Fire, alerted me something was up), and appears uninsured but has not been able to open his or her eyes yet. The other kit's eyes are open (they're both hopping about now, yea :)! ), and I believe I read a long time ago that you should gently open the eyes with a warm wet towel if unopened but I wanted to make sure. I found the kit about seven hours ago and I believe he or she was born shortly prior as he or she was still damp. Yes, I warmed the little guy up in my bra because he was freezing!!

So, anyway, mommy and babies are in a small baby safe travel cage (small spaces bars, no shelves, right?), with food, water, and hay for mommy ( I also gave her a bit of plain oats about six hours ago, I don't know if that was right), on clean fleece with a nesting box and nothing else. Is there anything else they need for the night? I have apple sticks and such for mommy but I wasn't sure if that was too distracting.

Thank you so much for your help!!

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