lundi 7 mars 2016


My name is Keaton and I'm from Utah, USA. On the day before Valentine's I got my first chin, a female, 3 years old. I renamed her Jerry. She is mostly the standard dark grey with a gradient from the leg area being lighter and the top being almost black. Her tummy is white with little bits of light grey. I assume she had fur biting in the past because the previous owner said the original owner (the 1st owner, me being the 3rd owner) didn't take the best care of her. We got a great deal, $75 for a pretty decent cage, super friendly chin, some food and dust, a ledge, food bowl water bottle etc. We got her a really nice metal 14" wheel called the chinchilla treadmill.

Few questions:

•Her bedding was hay. The bottom is solid plastic and it was covered in hay. We replaced with aspen shavings. We thought this was gross, walking and peeing and pooping in your food. However, I fear she may get bumble foot or sore feet or something because it's not as soft. She has many things to sit on besides it, but I was wondering if there was something soft and safe I could use instead, like a fleece pad or something?

•Hay. The hay the previous owners used was scratch grains for chickens. I have never seen this used for chins and I am worried if this could have caused health issues. However there is a lot left but I think I should get 2nd cut Timothy hay because that seems to be the best. Where could I get this? Online? Pet store? (Nearest pet store is a PetSmart, pretty close)

•Plastic. I have read to never get plastic things for chins because of chewing. However, her house, ledge and bottom of cage are plastic. She has had these for a long time I assume, and they have never been chewed. Hopefully by the end of the year I will get a new cage (hopefully the Critter Nation double!) and I will replace the ledges and hopefully by then the house.

•Pellets. Old pellets were Kaytee Fortidiet Prohealth, new oxbow essentials chinchilla deluxe (she really likes these!). Just starting to integrate new from old gradually.

Her current cage things are: 46" x 23" x 24" cage plastic bottom wire every thing else, wheel I mentioned, some cut open cardboard toilet paper rolls, pumice chew rock, weird big tunnel thing, plastic big house, 6 chew sticks that she hasn't used in almost a month, big ledge, pellet bowl in ledge hole, hanging bird toy, bending chew stick thing, hay hamper/feeder thing, positive flow plastic bottle (hanging outside of cage), aspen shaving bedding.

Thanks! Any help appreciated!

-Keaton and Jerry

P.S. We give her small pieces of raisins for snacks and plain Cheerios. Chin-proofed the downstairs living room and let her out for at least 30 mins a day in there or my bedroom. She seems to have bonded pretty quick with me, and I'm glad!

P.P.S. The other morning she woke me up at 6:30 with what I found to be known as "The Short Alarm Call". Sounded kinda like a monkey or dog bark. I think it was because of a car door or someone's alarm clock, but only after a week or two. She also likes to grind her teeth. I have no idea why.

We giver her dust baths about every other day. Sometimes she will rub her nose, I think just from dust or something. We still haven't taken her to the vet, hope I can take her soon.

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