jeudi 17 mars 2016

How Can I Get Two Females To Get Along?

I have two female chinchillas I am planning to breed to my 1 year old male once they are 1 years old, well I have 3 different cages for them all and It would make it 100 times easier if I could get my two females in the same cage. I let them out together and my youngest female doesn't normally start anything but my older female will randomly attack her. (not drawing blood or hurting her) she just pulls fur. I need them to start getting along so I can tend to them at the same time rather than 3 different cages, and also their cages are taking up the room lol. Any advice?
Also on a side note, where might I be able to find out where to buy cheap breeding runs or can someone give me the info on how to make one and around how much it would cost? I have all of the collars for the females just can't find any breeding cages around me that have runs in them. (I live in Louisiana)
-If anyone has information to help me, I don't normally check this website so if you think you can help me, please email me at

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