dimanche 30 mars 2014

What are the signs of head tilt?

I think I just need someone to tell me to calm down and stop worrying.

Last week, I had to take my chinchilla to the vet for a potential eye infection. They found nothing wrong with him and sent me home with antibiotic eye drops just in case (and because I was so worried). He likely got something in his eye and I got it out prior the vet visit. His feet were also irritated/dried/etc., so the vet told me to watch them.

Through the whole thing, he's acted entirely normal. He chirps and bounces around and even sort of wall-surfed off the side of his cage when my boyfriend came home for the weekend on Friday. He's been peppy and eating and drinking and everything. He gets grumpy with me and very suspicious when I do anything that indicates I'll be grabbing him to administer the eye drops, but there's nothing I can do about that (and I think he realizes it's for his own good, he stops resisting when I have the dropper over his eye).

Then this weekend I got a fever, I have at least one bad infection, I'm going to the doctor's tomorrow, and it's got me worried about everything left and right.

I've noticed him laying down on his side more often, though. Maybe I've just been paying too close attention/being worried with all these health disasters. He lays like that frequently in his hammock but I saw him doing it in new places. That doesn't sound like anything to be worried about, right? If anything, that means he's just more comfortable and enjoying new parts of his cage? Or that he's always done it and I'm just noticing it because I've been home all day this weekend and I'm worried about him.

I also noticed him sitting on a shelf and before he plopped down, he tilted his head towards the floor a couple times, as if measuring how to lay down. It looks a lot like they do when they dust bath. Is that normal?

He's not walking in circles, he's not falling, his head isn't frequently tilted to one side or the other... He took his dust bath without a problem.

I've heard him sneeze maybe four times over the weekend... but I know that could also just be from dust...

Should I calm down? Should I call my vet and make sure they checked for these things? I have to imagine they did from the sounds of it, but I don't know.

Would the antibiotic eye drops take care of anything potentially going on? I'm a biophysicist, so part of me knows that yes, that antibiotic is going into his bloodstream and should take care of any infection... but I'm also not sure about the blood flow in their ears and if the antibiotic would get to any potential issue in his ears and.. I don't know.

I think I'm just freaking out because this has been a rough week, but I could use some reassurance. :(

Thank you, guys, as usual.

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