jeudi 20 mars 2014

Mouth Problem


Just wanted to friendly advice in the wee hours of the morning. We have maneuvered out baby fuzz successfully through bloat two years ago but are now faced with a problem I do not know how to take care of. My chin was out playing today (supervised of course) She randomly began barking and hid from us. We coaxed her into her cage and then noticed her pawing at her mouth. We have been supervising her for the past few hours. She keeps trying to eat. Putting food in her mouth then taking it out again only to give up. Seeming to be in pain. She has drank water. I have checked her mouth as much as possible. I have poked and prodded her jawline with no wincing or anything like that.

I am trying to find out what could have happened and if this is something I need to go to a vet right away. She seems to be moving about fine and is very spry.

Thank you in advance for your help!

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