Hey all! Was wondering if there were any safe treats to give a 4 month old chin? I know he can't have most things since he's too young, but I feel bad leaving him out and not being able to eat anything his brother gets. Thanks!
lundi 30 novembre 2015
So cute when he pouts!
My chin, Bentley, MUST have his out of cage time, no matter what else is going on in the world. Last night it was delayed a bit because I was busy with grandkids.
I came into his room to get something and he was so excited, hopping back and forth and stretching up on the sides of his cage. His little eyes so bright and happy. Then I walked out.
Checked back a few minutes later and he was in his house pouting. I talked to him a bit and got dirty looks and the cold shoulder. LOL
Later I coaxed him out to play and he was ecstatic. Wall surfing, jumping all over me, giving kisses and cuddles. His expression and eyes radiated happiness. He even played his game, a modified version of tug of war. I hold a piece of wood and he grabs it away from me, then drops it and waits until I take it back, and he grabs it away again. Too cute!
I came into his room to get something and he was so excited, hopping back and forth and stretching up on the sides of his cage. His little eyes so bright and happy. Then I walked out.
Checked back a few minutes later and he was in his house pouting. I talked to him a bit and got dirty looks and the cold shoulder. LOL
Later I coaxed him out to play and he was ecstatic. Wall surfing, jumping all over me, giving kisses and cuddles. His expression and eyes radiated happiness. He even played his game, a modified version of tug of war. I hold a piece of wood and he grabs it away from me, then drops it and waits until I take it back, and he grabs it away again. Too cute!
Can we pass our URI's to chins?
It may be the meds... but I cant remember if they are suseptible to the same bug that causes an upper respitory infection in people? I am sick- very sick, the kind where im coughing up things i didnt know were in the human body....
Tomorrow is cage cleaning day. Assuming I follow all the handwashing practices and avoid actually sneezing on a chin (like i managed to do to the poor dog at dinner).... is it worth doing, or can i run the risk of getting my babies sick?
I know its recommended i avoid the parrot, but not sure about chins.
Tomorrow is cage cleaning day. Assuming I follow all the handwashing practices and avoid actually sneezing on a chin (like i managed to do to the poor dog at dinner).... is it worth doing, or can i run the risk of getting my babies sick?
I know its recommended i avoid the parrot, but not sure about chins.
Can somebody please tell me if 14" is large enough for a chin to run without causing any back issues? I want to get my girl a wheel for Christmas if possible but my last chins had saucers so I've never bought an actual wheel to know what to buy:hmm:.
Towel in cage liners
Has anybody had any success with putting a towel loose in the cage tray with a liner over it? By that I mean you'd cut the towel to fit the base, then make the fleece liner so it slides over the tray like a pillowcase, effectively trapping the towel layer inside out of reach. Has anyone tried this? Or does the towel move about or not absorb the same?
Chinchilla missing fur one finger digit
Hello to you all :wave3: . I hope you guys are all doing well.
This isn't exactly a serious issue, as it does not seem to be affecting my chin in any way and is still the same behavior wise- excited to jump and run around, yet she will not miss a moment to snuggle up right beside her sister and rest. This little strange thing where her fur seems to be completely missing on one of the "toes" of one of her hind legs. As far as my memory goes, i'm fairly certain this seemed to be on her ever since i got her. Both my chinnies are turning 6 years in December (unfortunately i never found out the exact date so I celebrate Christmas with them), and I obtained both of them when they were only 6-7 months old. Although i'm not particularly concerned since ive had both of them with no health concerns so far ( apart from the occasional constipation, but it seems to leave quickly every time it happens, which is very few.), I am a bit curious as to how/why this happened, and if it really is a concern. I'll be providing a slightly dark image, with poop for scale :rolleyes:
I also have a slight other concern, although i suppose this belongs more in the behaviors section. My other chin ( the sister) seems to avoid taking a dust bath all the time. Although she does get the urge to roll and rub her face into some dust when she finds some scattered on the ground, she dislikes the little house full of dust ( I cannot leave it open, there is one family member allergic to dust.) After the other chin goes crazy over dust, the sister seems to love rubbing and rolling onto her, which can end up in some angry short barks. They dont fight at all dont worry, they love each other too much. Her fur does not seem to worsen its quality at all, and ironically she has the least occasional slip fur. I suppose she doesn't move around as much to get it caught in anything. Any tips or thoughts on the matter would be appreciated!
This isn't exactly a serious issue, as it does not seem to be affecting my chin in any way and is still the same behavior wise- excited to jump and run around, yet she will not miss a moment to snuggle up right beside her sister and rest. This little strange thing where her fur seems to be completely missing on one of the "toes" of one of her hind legs. As far as my memory goes, i'm fairly certain this seemed to be on her ever since i got her. Both my chinnies are turning 6 years in December (unfortunately i never found out the exact date so I celebrate Christmas with them), and I obtained both of them when they were only 6-7 months old. Although i'm not particularly concerned since ive had both of them with no health concerns so far ( apart from the occasional constipation, but it seems to leave quickly every time it happens, which is very few.), I am a bit curious as to how/why this happened, and if it really is a concern. I'll be providing a slightly dark image, with poop for scale :rolleyes:
I also have a slight other concern, although i suppose this belongs more in the behaviors section. My other chin ( the sister) seems to avoid taking a dust bath all the time. Although she does get the urge to roll and rub her face into some dust when she finds some scattered on the ground, she dislikes the little house full of dust ( I cannot leave it open, there is one family member allergic to dust.) After the other chin goes crazy over dust, the sister seems to love rubbing and rolling onto her, which can end up in some angry short barks. They dont fight at all dont worry, they love each other too much. Her fur does not seem to worsen its quality at all, and ironically she has the least occasional slip fur. I suppose she doesn't move around as much to get it caught in anything. Any tips or thoughts on the matter would be appreciated!
dimanche 29 novembre 2015
Loose stool
I have two bonded male chinchillas. I don't know how old they are but I can't say more than 3 years old, I got them as a rescue since I am part of 4H. One of them has been having loose stool it is becoming green and staying together instead of the normal. I have dropped down to only hay and seed, plus water. I really care about my chinchillas but I don't have enough money to go to a vet right now. help me!
Brand new chinchilla!!
Hi! I just adopted a little guy from PetSmart today! I have been doing a lot of reading up on chinchillas, and I wanted to know how long people generally wait to take them out of their cage to play? He is 3 months old, and already very active in his cage! He is hopping around, and seems very comfortable! I have let him sniff my hand a few times, and he seemed curious! I don't want to rush it though, because I want to make sure I develop a good relationship with my new friend! I am thinking of naming him Sascha, but I want to get a feel for his personality first! :) any tips welcomed!!!!
Thank you,
Thank you,
Digestive/Poop Issues?
I mentioned that my boy, Barkley has been having some digestive issues lately. He's still his energetic self, and eating and drinking normally. His poops were soft, mushy, and sticking to his cage, so I took away his pellets and uped his hay. I would give him a shredded wheat with some activated charcoal on it while that was happening too, with that being his only "treat". After about a week of that not helping, I took him to the vet. They prescribed him panacur, which did help with his soft stool. Now, his poops are still rather large, and a dark green in color. I'm kind of at a loss with what to do. Like I said, he's still his normal self. Does he need another vet visit? Has anyone had a problem similar to this? Any tips or suggestions what to do would be appreciated. I can attach some pictures if needed.
Hello from NJ!
Hello all! My name is Stephanie, and after browsing Google for some answers for my chins, I figured I should join and get some advice with some things from other chin owners~ I have two boys, Barkley and Atlas. Barkley is a large, standard grey who's been having some digestive issues as of late. Atlas is my new baby, around 4 months old, who's a blue diamond. I'll attach some pictures of them at a later time when I'm not on mobile.
vendredi 27 novembre 2015
Is he ever gonna be nice
I have a boy almost a year old. I bought him from a young lady off craigslist. She no longer had time for him . when i picked him up she was able to hold him fine and he didnt grunt and his at her she handed him over to me and as soon as he smelt me he became spiky and grunty. I brought him home in his own cage after a day i put my shirt in the cage and he pulled it into his igloo the day after putting it in. So i thought i was getting somewhere i changed his bedding the next day after that and was tried bonding a little its been almost a month now he still wont relax when i hold him and he has started running on his wheel agai. So thats good ive tried giving him worm wont eat them wont eat fruit neither so treat wise i dunno how to reward him for bonding or good behavior im seriously trying i let him run around but he just hides and tries to find somewhere to escape to last night i expanded his home with a large tube and another cage and he normally stays in his igloo during day but now he wont come out of the tube and i know its cause he doesnt want me to hold him and i just need advice on how to break his previous bond and be excepted . will he ever come around cause he is so depressed and only excercises one hour at night i stayed up most the night and watched. So i am starting to stress am i not doing something right what should i do get rid of all the old cage give him whole new one will that upset him more should i get rid of old blanket give him a new one i was trying to keep his old stuff so i didnt shock him in to much new sorry babbling. Just need advice from someone who knows what i could try
Extreme aversion to litter training
So I've noticed my pair of girls refuse to pick a corner. So I thought they were going in all corners. I put a unscented wee pad under a secured fleece just to see if they preferred an area.... And this is what I found
Putting hay down doesn't work. Not their house, strategic food, water placement- nothing. They lost their chin spin cause they would pee in it then run. Has anyone dealt with a chin that would pee absolutely everywhere without any regard to their hay? At a bit of a loss. I tried changing the pan- didn't help.
Any ideas? Or am I just out of luck?
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Putting hay down doesn't work. Not their house, strategic food, water placement- nothing. They lost their chin spin cause they would pee in it then run. Has anyone dealt with a chin that would pee absolutely everywhere without any regard to their hay? At a bit of a loss. I tried changing the pan- didn't help.
Any ideas? Or am I just out of luck?
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Greetings from the Bayou State
Hi there! My name is Jessica, and I am a chinchilla-holic.
I'm a full-time student (I should graduate in May with a Bachelor's in Psychology) and jack-of-all-trades. I'm a proud mommy to a beautiful TOV Pink White Ebony Carrier little girl named Moe (aka Mosephina, MoMo, Schmo, Squeakers, Fuzzbutt, Mo City Don, etc) bred by Sunset Chinchillas.
Nice to meet you all!
I'm a full-time student (I should graduate in May with a Bachelor's in Psychology) and jack-of-all-trades. I'm a proud mommy to a beautiful TOV Pink White Ebony Carrier little girl named Moe (aka Mosephina, MoMo, Schmo, Squeakers, Fuzzbutt, Mo City Don, etc) bred by Sunset Chinchillas.
Nice to meet you all!
jeudi 26 novembre 2015
SILENT running, and low cost wheel DIY
Comprehensive and excellent video on building a proper chin sized wheel without the noise of the lazy susan mechanism. As per my comments on the youtube page section, I used the same 3-4 gallon feed/oil pans instead of the salad bowl in the video, though my first attempt used a stainless steel x-large water bowl that was a bit deeper but only about 14 inches in diameter. It was stronger than the galvanized pan but the angle of the sides was more extreme, and since the feed pan doesn't need as much of an angle to mount it nearly vertical, the bottom doesn't need to be as thick.
I used the old bearings and wheels on my Roller blades that I had swapped out for an upgrade, but they are cheap to buy if you don't have any handy.
This worked so well that I made a couple of them, and put one on a wooden plank that can be a portable playtime one for out of the cage as well. Its freestanding, and the base is only as thick as a wooden ledge, so it can slide under furniture for added stability because they run SO hard on it, sometimes it can start to bounce or rock/chatter with the vibration,but its sturdy. I just put a couple planks together in a capital "L" sort of shape and lay it sideways, mounting the wheel on the short leg.
I am going to make another one too since I still have another pan and more wheel bearings! Then my boys can each have a wheel all of their own, and won't have to push each other off to share it with anyone. (Though it is kind of funny to watch them do that...)
I used the old bearings and wheels on my Roller blades that I had swapped out for an upgrade, but they are cheap to buy if you don't have any handy.
This worked so well that I made a couple of them, and put one on a wooden plank that can be a portable playtime one for out of the cage as well. Its freestanding, and the base is only as thick as a wooden ledge, so it can slide under furniture for added stability because they run SO hard on it, sometimes it can start to bounce or rock/chatter with the vibration,but its sturdy. I just put a couple planks together in a capital "L" sort of shape and lay it sideways, mounting the wheel on the short leg.
I am going to make another one too since I still have another pan and more wheel bearings! Then my boys can each have a wheel all of their own, and won't have to push each other off to share it with anyone. (Though it is kind of funny to watch them do that...)
Driving Away New Members
I definitely understand taking precautions to keep spammers out, but (and this is just my opinion) I feel like you (the site leaders) are being too cautious and potentially driving off new members who want to be an active part of this community.
I still have my posts being moderated. I get having that feature active for new members until X posts, but if you're going to have that then there really should be someone moderating those posts at least every other day. I have a post that has been awaiting moderation for the better part of a week. It's to the point that I'm starting to question if I should just give up on this site, because it's taking forever to get out of the New Member section with moderated posts.
I am not bad-talking the site, or the site leaders. I am expressing a frustration that I personally feel, and that I do not doubt others have probably felt and potentially left the site because of it.
I am getting two new chinchillas in 10 days (I am posting this on Thanksgiving, so December 6th will be the day I pick them up). All I want to do is talk about my cage, my cage setup, and my chinchillas. I don't have a solution to this frustration, because the only solutions I can think of are:
A) Do not moderate posts - this "solution" would pretty much open the floodgates for spammers though.. and;
B) Have someone (or multiple people) moderate all posts on a set schedule (e.g. Every Monday and Thursday posts will be moderated), and make sure that's stickied somewhere for new members to be aware of - this "solution" is something that is dependent on the schedule of the site leaders though, and I would think that if they were already able to do that then they would be doing that.
The only alternative solution I can come up with would be to add a couple more Moderators that can be on twice a week to cover the moderation queue(s).
I hope I haven't offended anyone with this post. I promise I am not out to point fingers, and get all of the members to gather pitchforks and raze the site to the ground. The existing members probably won't see any of this anyway. The new members are the only ones really affected by this, and if it's too difficult to be a new member they will just go somewhere else, and I (personally) feel like it is rather difficult for new members since there isn't really a set "timely" moderation of posts.
Thank you for your time everyone.
I still have my posts being moderated. I get having that feature active for new members until X posts, but if you're going to have that then there really should be someone moderating those posts at least every other day. I have a post that has been awaiting moderation for the better part of a week. It's to the point that I'm starting to question if I should just give up on this site, because it's taking forever to get out of the New Member section with moderated posts.
I am not bad-talking the site, or the site leaders. I am expressing a frustration that I personally feel, and that I do not doubt others have probably felt and potentially left the site because of it.
I am getting two new chinchillas in 10 days (I am posting this on Thanksgiving, so December 6th will be the day I pick them up). All I want to do is talk about my cage, my cage setup, and my chinchillas. I don't have a solution to this frustration, because the only solutions I can think of are:
A) Do not moderate posts - this "solution" would pretty much open the floodgates for spammers though.. and;
B) Have someone (or multiple people) moderate all posts on a set schedule (e.g. Every Monday and Thursday posts will be moderated), and make sure that's stickied somewhere for new members to be aware of - this "solution" is something that is dependent on the schedule of the site leaders though, and I would think that if they were already able to do that then they would be doing that.
The only alternative solution I can come up with would be to add a couple more Moderators that can be on twice a week to cover the moderation queue(s).
I hope I haven't offended anyone with this post. I promise I am not out to point fingers, and get all of the members to gather pitchforks and raze the site to the ground. The existing members probably won't see any of this anyway. The new members are the only ones really affected by this, and if it's too difficult to be a new member they will just go somewhere else, and I (personally) feel like it is rather difficult for new members since there isn't really a set "timely" moderation of posts.
Thank you for your time everyone.
small poop and depresion
Hi everyone, first of all I want to apologize if I made an orthographic mistake or something like that because English is not my first language.
I had 2 chins a male Kevin and a female Romina living they were together for a lot of years, and on Sunday Kevin pass away, since then Romina has been really angry and am very worried because she is doing really small poop like half of what she normally do, she is eating her Timothy ok but she is eating less pellets, I took her to the vet and he told me it was because she was depress.
Also in another room I have a baby chin like 5 months old that I adopted 1 month ago I was planning to introduce them because the vet also told me that it would be a good idea and will help with the depression.
And I don’t know what to do will this help her with the depression? And the poops are this small because of it?
Thanks so much
I had 2 chins a male Kevin and a female Romina living they were together for a lot of years, and on Sunday Kevin pass away, since then Romina has been really angry and am very worried because she is doing really small poop like half of what she normally do, she is eating her Timothy ok but she is eating less pellets, I took her to the vet and he told me it was because she was depress.
Also in another room I have a baby chin like 5 months old that I adopted 1 month ago I was planning to introduce them because the vet also told me that it would be a good idea and will help with the depression.
And I don’t know what to do will this help her with the depression? And the poops are this small because of it?
Thanks so much
mercredi 25 novembre 2015
My old girl... What's normal ?
Hi all, I have a girl who is somewhere between 16-18. For some years now she has very slowly lost some mass ... Nothing quick and no changes otherwise . I've taken her to the vet to be sure she is alright. Lately she has been clumsier ... I would say I noticed the last few months. I chalked it up to age but I want to make sure I'm not being dismissive. When I say clumsy, I mean she does not stand up on her hind legs as quickly and easily and sometimes loses balance. She has ALWAYS been a chin to run into walls and fall off her wheel when going to fast in the past years. I have recently named her a danger to herself in that way and put her in a smaller cage with less height but room to get around otherwise. I have never had a chin this old. What is normal and what isn't for the veterans who know ? Thanks so much guys
My Chinchilla keeps sleeping today
Hey guys!
I got my chinchilla for aprox. 5 days now, and for some reason, today hes sleeping a lot more. He usually wakes up around 6 pm and is super energetic, but today, he wakes up eats a hay or two and went back to sleep for the fifth time. Is this normal? Do they have random days they're extra tired?
I got my chinchilla for aprox. 5 days now, and for some reason, today hes sleeping a lot more. He usually wakes up around 6 pm and is super energetic, but today, he wakes up eats a hay or two and went back to sleep for the fifth time. Is this normal? Do they have random days they're extra tired?
RoadTrip! :) (cage question)
Alright I will be traveling for Christmas not far, only 2.5 hours, but I have a mamma and Baby Chin (three weeks old tomorrow) and then the Daddy chin! I want to make sure they are safe, I have two "smaller" cages like the guinea pig or rat cages but I recently took a trip with them and found that Mamma doesn't like being in that biggish cage while on the road, Moji loved it though LOL, plus it's a pain! So I want to get a good travel cage, that can keep the baby in and keep the other two happy.
I have heard the Ryerson cages are good but I am curious about the bar spacing and also does anyone that has one have a good picture of theirs, the ones online stink.
Any advice is great!
BTW the Momma and Daddy are separated of course so I need two cages.
I have heard the Ryerson cages are good but I am curious about the bar spacing and also does anyone that has one have a good picture of theirs, the ones online stink.
Any advice is great!
BTW the Momma and Daddy are separated of course so I need two cages.
Stopped eating hay
I have a two year old female chin and I've had her for a few months. After getting her I tried a few brands of hay until I tried Oxbow. She absolutely loved it and ate it like crazy. Problem is, the past few days she won't eat hardly any hay. Almost (if not all) of the hay that she's taken from her hanging ball hay holder is just scattered on the platform underneath it. I put fresh hay in it daily, but she just scatters it. She eats her pellets fine though. What should I do? Should I try another brand or could something be physically wrong?
mardi 24 novembre 2015
Are there any 'softer' pellets for chinchillas?
A few months ago my chinchilla stopped eating his favourite pellets (Science Selective Chinchilla). I noticed how he had trouble eating them because he left a lot of crumbles after his meals and he reached with his paw to his mouth. He was diagnosed with malocclusion 10 years ago (he's 13 years old) so I know it's serious, but he's so energic and I don't want to put him down when he's happy and playful like this.
I'm feeding him mixed pellets with water, from a plate. Around 3 times a day. He's always hungry though and gets stressed when I walk past the cage, like he wants me to feed him.
Are there any softer pellets out there I could try so I don't have to mix them with water? I'm giving him a supplemental food (Complete Crock Chinchilla & Degu) which are softer and he loves that, but I'm guessing they're more like treats.
Any ideas? Thanks a lot for reading!
A few months ago my chinchilla stopped eating his favourite pellets (Science Selective Chinchilla). I noticed how he had trouble eating them because he left a lot of crumbles after his meals and he reached with his paw to his mouth. He was diagnosed with malocclusion 10 years ago (he's 13 years old) so I know it's serious, but he's so energic and I don't want to put him down when he's happy and playful like this.
I'm feeding him mixed pellets with water, from a plate. Around 3 times a day. He's always hungry though and gets stressed when I walk past the cage, like he wants me to feed him.
Are there any softer pellets out there I could try so I don't have to mix them with water? I'm giving him a supplemental food (Complete Crock Chinchilla & Degu) which are softer and he loves that, but I'm guessing they're more like treats.
Any ideas? Thanks a lot for reading!
Chins fighting after castration
I have a 1 year old male chinchilla Tommy and 3 months old female chinchilla Lola. They got along great before Tommy was castrated. I hade my Tommy neutered last week. He is healing great, no problems, luckily. I have him separated from Lola and he cannot yet use a dust bath.
Because he is not used to being locked up in one story, I let him outside in the hallway, where he cannot jump on anything. I let Lola in the same room with him. All was well until Tommy wanted to mate with Lola. First she warned him to back off, and he did, but then he tried again, so she sprayed him and tried to mount him. Usually that was no problem, but now Tommy also got up, sprayed urine on her and lost some hair. He was obviously freighted or annoyed, I do not know, but this is the first time he did that.
Is it normal that chins do not get along after castration. I do not know when to try to put them together again. I do hope they will get along again, because before castration they were best friends. Did anyone had the same problem and when would it bi ok to try and get the back together in the same room and cage? Thank you.
I have a 1 year old male chinchilla Tommy and 3 months old female chinchilla Lola. They got along great before Tommy was castrated. I hade my Tommy neutered last week. He is healing great, no problems, luckily. I have him separated from Lola and he cannot yet use a dust bath.
Because he is not used to being locked up in one story, I let him outside in the hallway, where he cannot jump on anything. I let Lola in the same room with him. All was well until Tommy wanted to mate with Lola. First she warned him to back off, and he did, but then he tried again, so she sprayed him and tried to mount him. Usually that was no problem, but now Tommy also got up, sprayed urine on her and lost some hair. He was obviously freighted or annoyed, I do not know, but this is the first time he did that.
Is it normal that chins do not get along after castration. I do not know when to try to put them together again. I do hope they will get along again, because before castration they were best friends. Did anyone had the same problem and when would it bi ok to try and get the back together in the same room and cage? Thank you.
lundi 23 novembre 2015
Any critter nation deals for black friday or cyber monday?
Hey guys, I'm looking to find a critter nation but I am hoping maybe some good deals are coming this week. Does anyone know of any?
dimanche 22 novembre 2015
Eating Pencil Eraser
Hey all, new to these forums, but have checked them out lately and they've been very helpful, so I figured I'd ask you all a question. Last night during play time, I went to throw something in the trash real quick, and when I came back to the room, I saw that he had gotten a hold of a pencil and had eaten a bit of the eraser off (of course he couldn't stay out of trouble.) Not too much of it, just the top half. It's been almost 24 hours now, and his behavior is normal (running/playing, being alert, etc), and he's eating and drinking still, but I haven't seen much new poop tonight. Have you guys ever had this (or something similar) happen with your chins? And if so, was it a huge deal or problem?
Show us you chin rooms! For those that breed, what type cage do you prefer?
I use quality cage company and martin's but curious on what other breeders use. thanks!
I use quality cage company and martin's but curious on what other breeders use. thanks!
Losing weight, lethargic
Hi All,
It's been awhile since I last posted. Approximately 4 years ago I moved across continents and brought my chins with me.
Unfortunately, 1 is really sick right now and I'm at a lost because I'm having a hard time finding a vet who knows anything about chinchillas. I've called several and none would be willing to see a chinchilla as they've never handled one.
Winnie is about 8 years old this year. He's had a history in GI stasis/bloat about 6 years ago that took about 3 months of round the clock care to recover.
About 2 days ago, I came back from work and noticed that Winnie was quite lethargic. He would normally move around his 3-level cage (hammock and food on top level, water and hay on bottom level), but at that point he would only stay in 1 corner on the bottom level. He was also eating less. So yesterday I brought him to a nearby vet for an xray. Xray showed nothing unusual (no trapped air, no broken bones, etc). Since vet isn't knowledgeable when it comes to chins, he couldn't diagnose what's wrong with Winnie. Afterwards, I bought pedialyte and syringe fed him the fluids.
Today he's considerably more lethargic. They don't sell CC here so this morning I ground up his pellets finely and mixed it with pedialyte. Syringe fed him and Winnie was willing to eat. I noticed that his pee is very clear and odorless, unlike his usual urine. I fed him again in the afternoon and Winnie ate some more. Tonight when I was feeding him, he was so weak he couldn't even stand up and he didn't want to eat anymore. His urine was also clear and odorless. I noticed that he would pee not long after I feed him. Since 2 days ago, I can tell that he's lost a considerable amount of weight (vet weighed him at 500 grams yesterday). I don't know how much he weighed before but when I yesterday now I can tell he's lost weight.
I'm trying to see a vet tomorrow who I heard specializes in pocket pets. Unfortunately he only starts his practice at 3pm local time (I'm in Southeast Asia). In the meantime, I can see that Winnie is just very weak. Even when he had his GI Stasis/bloat, he was still bouncing around. His stomach feels normal to the touch (not hard). Right now he's resting and his breathing is quite heavy.
Any help/recommendations would be much appreciated. Thank you.
It's been awhile since I last posted. Approximately 4 years ago I moved across continents and brought my chins with me.
Unfortunately, 1 is really sick right now and I'm at a lost because I'm having a hard time finding a vet who knows anything about chinchillas. I've called several and none would be willing to see a chinchilla as they've never handled one.
Winnie is about 8 years old this year. He's had a history in GI stasis/bloat about 6 years ago that took about 3 months of round the clock care to recover.
About 2 days ago, I came back from work and noticed that Winnie was quite lethargic. He would normally move around his 3-level cage (hammock and food on top level, water and hay on bottom level), but at that point he would only stay in 1 corner on the bottom level. He was also eating less. So yesterday I brought him to a nearby vet for an xray. Xray showed nothing unusual (no trapped air, no broken bones, etc). Since vet isn't knowledgeable when it comes to chins, he couldn't diagnose what's wrong with Winnie. Afterwards, I bought pedialyte and syringe fed him the fluids.
Today he's considerably more lethargic. They don't sell CC here so this morning I ground up his pellets finely and mixed it with pedialyte. Syringe fed him and Winnie was willing to eat. I noticed that his pee is very clear and odorless, unlike his usual urine. I fed him again in the afternoon and Winnie ate some more. Tonight when I was feeding him, he was so weak he couldn't even stand up and he didn't want to eat anymore. His urine was also clear and odorless. I noticed that he would pee not long after I feed him. Since 2 days ago, I can tell that he's lost a considerable amount of weight (vet weighed him at 500 grams yesterday). I don't know how much he weighed before but when I yesterday now I can tell he's lost weight.
I'm trying to see a vet tomorrow who I heard specializes in pocket pets. Unfortunately he only starts his practice at 3pm local time (I'm in Southeast Asia). In the meantime, I can see that Winnie is just very weak. Even when he had his GI Stasis/bloat, he was still bouncing around. His stomach feels normal to the touch (not hard). Right now he's resting and his breathing is quite heavy.
Any help/recommendations would be much appreciated. Thank you.
Chinchilla death question
Hi so I wish my first post was this post. My family and I just lost one of our two chinchillas earlier this week. Her death was sudden and unexpected. We had her for 9 years and my wife is heartbroken. My question is about our other male chinchilla. After the death of his friend he has become aggressive. He's making all the noises and gestures of a mad defensive chinchilla. Now this is not like him. He is usually happy, playful and loves attention. Is this normal? He and our female were together for about 8 years and had a great relationship. They never mated because honestly we know nothing about chinchilla birth and didn't want to risk loosing our chinchilla.
samedi 21 novembre 2015
What happened to my chinchilla? Was he suffocating/choking? Please help.
Something happened to my chinchilla yesterday and I would like to understand what it was.
He had an operation and was prescribed a medication to be given with a syringe. I have done it before to him and all was fine. I know to be very careful, to give it from the side of his mouth, not too quick, allow time to swallow, because if he chokes it may be bad as they lack ability to vomit. So he was quite still, but stressed because of last month happenings like an electric shock he experienced, then chewed on his burned limb and then had it amputated. So i was giving that medicine to him, his head was in a normal position, he was refusing a bit. Suddenly he started touching his mouth with his paw then very slowly his head fell on my lap, his lip was open a bit, then very slowly he started twisting like you twist a wet towel. First thought was that he is suffocating.He kept twisting like if he had two separate body parts, then wagging his tail but looking almost dead. I went downstairs with him to ask my friend for help, asked him to hold chinchilla on his lap, then i called a vet. While I was talking to the vet chinchilla got better and then he seemed to recover, eating and so on, not a lot of activity as he is still recovering and on calming medication (painkiller). Could you help me understand if it wa sliquid gone in the wrong way or something else? He wasnt making any sound while this was happening.Was is suffocating or twisting of inner organs, maybe in a stomach? If there is some liquide in the lungs how can i help? Someone suggested blowing on his nose so he sneezes and the liquide comes out. I might try to tickle him instead as blowing will scare him.
Will greatly appreciate some help.
Thank you
He had an operation and was prescribed a medication to be given with a syringe. I have done it before to him and all was fine. I know to be very careful, to give it from the side of his mouth, not too quick, allow time to swallow, because if he chokes it may be bad as they lack ability to vomit. So he was quite still, but stressed because of last month happenings like an electric shock he experienced, then chewed on his burned limb and then had it amputated. So i was giving that medicine to him, his head was in a normal position, he was refusing a bit. Suddenly he started touching his mouth with his paw then very slowly his head fell on my lap, his lip was open a bit, then very slowly he started twisting like you twist a wet towel. First thought was that he is suffocating.He kept twisting like if he had two separate body parts, then wagging his tail but looking almost dead. I went downstairs with him to ask my friend for help, asked him to hold chinchilla on his lap, then i called a vet. While I was talking to the vet chinchilla got better and then he seemed to recover, eating and so on, not a lot of activity as he is still recovering and on calming medication (painkiller). Could you help me understand if it wa sliquid gone in the wrong way or something else? He wasnt making any sound while this was happening.Was is suffocating or twisting of inner organs, maybe in a stomach? If there is some liquide in the lungs how can i help? Someone suggested blowing on his nose so he sneezes and the liquide comes out. I might try to tickle him instead as blowing will scare him.
Will greatly appreciate some help.
Thank you
vendredi 20 novembre 2015
Sneezing chin
My ~2 month old chinchilla has been sneezing for about a week now, and that is the only symptom he has. His eyes are clear and he has no drippy nose or eyes at all. He seems fairly itchy and wipes his nose a lot but otherwise is very active and happy.
Does anyone know what this is?
He sneezes even when there is no hay or bath powder to make his nose irritated and I don't know if he is sick or maybe just has allergies? I also just switched from Kaytee bath powder to Blue Sparkle in hopes it will help-but it's only been two days since then so I'm not sure..
Does anyone know what this is?
He sneezes even when there is no hay or bath powder to make his nose irritated and I don't know if he is sick or maybe just has allergies? I also just switched from Kaytee bath powder to Blue Sparkle in hopes it will help-but it's only been two days since then so I'm not sure..
Cardboard boxes
So it's coming up to Christmas and I buy many of my gifts online.
I often get my deliveries in boxes and have given one to my chinchillas after I took off any tape and stickers.
One of my chinchillas has taken a real interest in it and is chewing the box a lot!
Just wondering if it is okay to let him chew it so much or if I should take it out to stop him chewing it so much?
I often get my deliveries in boxes and have given one to my chinchillas after I took off any tape and stickers.
One of my chinchillas has taken a real interest in it and is chewing the box a lot!
Just wondering if it is okay to let him chew it so much or if I should take it out to stop him chewing it so much?
jeudi 19 novembre 2015
Another chin' droppin' in to say hi.
Hiya guys, this is Rain', my silly lil' chiller' :laughitup: .
I rescued Rain and a king snake from my ex's daughters retard of a boyfriend about 7 yrs ago, because he didn't know the first thing about taking care of animals.
I gave Willy the snake to my brother and he's doing great. Rain has come a long way as well and she's much happier now.
Her chilla hut is a 36"x24"x24" bird cage that I converted into a 3 level condo. I used outdoor play panels like you would use with hamsters to make a 2nd amd 3rd floor connected together with ramps. Her food, treats and a cold stone are on the top floor, with another cold stone on the second floor with her log hide and water bottle on the bottom floor. I use the pull out tray with newspaper and pine bedding for easy cleanup.
I rescued Rain and a king snake from my ex's daughters retard of a boyfriend about 7 yrs ago, because he didn't know the first thing about taking care of animals.
I gave Willy the snake to my brother and he's doing great. Rain has come a long way as well and she's much happier now.
Her chilla hut is a 36"x24"x24" bird cage that I converted into a 3 level condo. I used outdoor play panels like you would use with hamsters to make a 2nd amd 3rd floor connected together with ramps. Her food, treats and a cold stone are on the top floor, with another cold stone on the second floor with her log hide and water bottle on the bottom floor. I use the pull out tray with newspaper and pine bedding for easy cleanup.
Hedgie scratching, not really running
My 1.5yo hedgie, Shadow is acting weird. I wanted to get your guys option.
Last night he didn't really run on his wheel. He is a fanatic about that thing so that's why I had cause for concern. Instead he would take 3-5 steps and stop, and it was walking, not running. 2-3 times he did walk a little longer than a few steps but no more than 10 steps. When he would stop I could hear him scratch himself, sometimes he would stop because he had to scratch himself. Basically he was scratching himself a lottt last night.
I played with him that day and he looked fine, he pooped normal, and he ate food. I tired to look up his symptoms and couldn't find much so if you guys could help I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.
Last night he didn't really run on his wheel. He is a fanatic about that thing so that's why I had cause for concern. Instead he would take 3-5 steps and stop, and it was walking, not running. 2-3 times he did walk a little longer than a few steps but no more than 10 steps. When he would stop I could hear him scratch himself, sometimes he would stop because he had to scratch himself. Basically he was scratching himself a lottt last night.
I played with him that day and he looked fine, he pooped normal, and he ate food. I tired to look up his symptoms and couldn't find much so if you guys could help I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.
Ava checking out the new item
Ava had no interest in the old hammock. I sewed a new on and was thinking her roommate Kate would be all over it. Not so.
Ava had to look first to make sure it wasn't going to eat them. Kate who sleeps in the hammock's all the time, went into the tube and passed out. Ungrateful fur balls.
Not sure why the photo is sideways. Not so in my photo album. It's on this end.
Ava had to look first to make sure it wasn't going to eat them. Kate who sleeps in the hammock's all the time, went into the tube and passed out. Ungrateful fur balls.
Not sure why the photo is sideways. Not so in my photo album. It's on this end.
There are no words...
This is what I woke up to this morning. I do a quick pre coffee walk through- and the jaws theme song went through my head.

That said, does anyone sell fleece covers for the pans...with zippers??
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
That said, does anyone sell fleece covers for the pans...with zippers??
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
baby surprise
I got my chinchilla girl (Zoey) about a month and a half ago and she is 7 months old. Today I found that she had a baby. I didn't even know she was pregnant either so Iam just very surprised! and a really scared because Im not sure what to do. I have read online to check the weight of the baby and that mom will take care of them for the most part. Im guessing that she had the baby late last night or earlier today. Mom seems to be doing great she is moving and eating normally. Before I found the baby I noticed that she kept running up to me continuously and making a contact noise but thought nothing of it. Im scared to touch the baby because I don't know if its ok to or not but I checked it out and it seemed ok. I guess Im just wondering what should I do to make sure Zoey gives it proper nutrition because I know that she was bottle fed.. Anything will help. Thank You
Just popped in from Meridian, Idaho .
Hello everybody:neener: ,
I've had my lil' chiller for a number of years now so I thought it'd be a good idea to join the forum. I am a long time member of several other forums online but I don't know why I didn't think about joining this one sooner, oh well :banghead: .
I've had my lil' chiller for a number of years now so I thought it'd be a good idea to join the forum. I am a long time member of several other forums online but I don't know why I didn't think about joining this one sooner, oh well :banghead: .
mercredi 18 novembre 2015
My New Chin's New House
Hello everyone. I am getting my first ever chinchilla from a breeder on December 6th. I have done so much research on chinchilla's, and I'm trying to make sure that I am doing everything right. I am going to put links to everything I am getting so that you all can look at it if you'd like and let me know if I'm purchasing something that I really should not be purchasing (or if there is something that I need that I am forgetting).
I recently purchased a Critter Nation double cage (here) which I received yesterday. I finished setting it up about 15 minutes ago (images at the bottom of this post).
Tonight I will be picking up the two metal pans with 3" sides that I ordered from Bass Equipment. I read plastic is not good for chinchillas, so I don't want to have any of that in my cage. Within a week I should have a flying saucer wheel (here - it is the 13 3/4" with wire cage wall stand).
I have ordered a water filter (here) as I was told that tap water can be harmful to chinchillas.
For food I have purchased three types of Oxbow hay (here, here, and here), and Oxbow Essentials Chinchilla Deluxe (here).
For bedding I purchased Kaytee Aspen Bedding (here). I just came across another thread where someone put tile in for flooring on both levels of their cage. Honestly, that looks really nice, and I'm probably going to end up doing that using ceramic tile.
I also purchased this container to store bedding (large container) and food (small container).
For his bath I have ordered Oxbow Poof Blue Cloud (here). As far as a bath container, do you think it would be okay for me to use a small (10 gallon) aquarium that has never been used? Or should I stick with one of those plastic bath houses that every pet store seems to endorse?
I also have some Lava Ledges (here) and some Lava Bites (here).
The only things I am really wanting to do now is get wooden shelving, and change out the wire ramps that came with the cage for some wooden ramps. For now I'll use the wire ramps (they came with fleece sleeves to put over them), but I really don't like having them.
Also, I am needing to get a little house for him to sleep in. Does anyone have suggestions on a great house/hideaway?
P.S. I'll be updating this thread with pictures of my progress. Tonight I'll be able to add pictures of the cage with the new metal pans in it.

I recently purchased a Critter Nation double cage (here) which I received yesterday. I finished setting it up about 15 minutes ago (images at the bottom of this post).
Tonight I will be picking up the two metal pans with 3" sides that I ordered from Bass Equipment. I read plastic is not good for chinchillas, so I don't want to have any of that in my cage. Within a week I should have a flying saucer wheel (here - it is the 13 3/4" with wire cage wall stand).
I have ordered a water filter (here) as I was told that tap water can be harmful to chinchillas.
For food I have purchased three types of Oxbow hay (here, here, and here), and Oxbow Essentials Chinchilla Deluxe (here).
For bedding I purchased Kaytee Aspen Bedding (here). I just came across another thread where someone put tile in for flooring on both levels of their cage. Honestly, that looks really nice, and I'm probably going to end up doing that using ceramic tile.
I also purchased this container to store bedding (large container) and food (small container).
For his bath I have ordered Oxbow Poof Blue Cloud (here). As far as a bath container, do you think it would be okay for me to use a small (10 gallon) aquarium that has never been used? Or should I stick with one of those plastic bath houses that every pet store seems to endorse?
I also have some Lava Ledges (here) and some Lava Bites (here).
The only things I am really wanting to do now is get wooden shelving, and change out the wire ramps that came with the cage for some wooden ramps. For now I'll use the wire ramps (they came with fleece sleeves to put over them), but I really don't like having them.
Also, I am needing to get a little house for him to sleep in. Does anyone have suggestions on a great house/hideaway?
P.S. I'll be updating this thread with pictures of my progress. Tonight I'll be able to add pictures of the cage with the new metal pans in it.
Change in Potty Habits?
I have a female chin, about a year and a half old and within the last month she has started peeing near her food and hay. She has a litter tray on the bottom floor of her cage which she has been using fantastically up until now! She now pees on the upper level near her food. I have cleaned the area with a very mild bleach solution multiple times and tried putting her wood ramp toy over the spot but she just pushes the toy away and continues her bad habit!
Any suggestions on how to get her back in the habit of going in her litter tray?
I have a female chin, about a year and a half old and within the last month she has started peeing near her food and hay. She has a litter tray on the bottom floor of her cage which she has been using fantastically up until now! She now pees on the upper level near her food. I have cleaned the area with a very mild bleach solution multiple times and tried putting her wood ramp toy over the spot but she just pushes the toy away and continues her bad habit!
Any suggestions on how to get her back in the habit of going in her litter tray?
Hello, from Austin
Hello, from Austin. We have one hedgehog, Princess Penelope Pricklepants. Her full name is Her Royal Highness, Princess Penelope Pricklepants, Grand Duchess of Tiggy-Winkle, Defender of Hufflepuff, Empress of Quillonia, and Dominions beyond the Seas, but she usually goes by Princess or Her Highness.
Her Highness is a bit more than a year old now, though still as adorable, lovely, funny, and wonderful as ever and hasn't seen a day where we didn't hold, admire, and dwell on her (except a couple vacations we didn't take her along that don't count).
She also has a blog here: http://ift.tt/1HxcHJJ (hope hedgeblog links are okay here).
I attached a few pics here because we're kind of hedgie-photo obsessive. Any other hedgie instagrammers out there?
Her Highness is a bit more than a year old now, though still as adorable, lovely, funny, and wonderful as ever and hasn't seen a day where we didn't hold, admire, and dwell on her (except a couple vacations we didn't take her along that don't count).
She also has a blog here: http://ift.tt/1HxcHJJ (hope hedgeblog links are okay here).
I attached a few pics here because we're kind of hedgie-photo obsessive. Any other hedgie instagrammers out there?
mardi 17 novembre 2015
Pregnant chin really thin? Need advice.
I just got a chin and there is the possibility that she is pregnant. I have researched on this forum and many have mentioned that a pregnant chin does not need any supplements or additions if they are getting what they should as a healthy chin should. I have also researched on here about skinnier chinchillas and many posts have mentioned that some chinchilla are naturally thin. When I feel her I can feel her backbone. She does have a more pointier nose. I know she could naturally be smaller. I have weighed her and she was like 580 if I remember correctly so it wasn't that bad.
My question is what if she is skinny AND pregnant? Should she not have some supplements just in case she is pregnant to help out in the pregnancy?
My question is what if she is skinny AND pregnant? Should she not have some supplements just in case she is pregnant to help out in the pregnancy?
Chin not pooping as much
Hello everybody,
I've had my little girl for about a month and a half now and I'm still not quite sure what behavior is normal and when a vet trip is needed...
My concern is that my chin hasn't been pooping as much today as she normally does. She is still drinking and eating just fine and is still just as active. But for the past week or so some of her poops have been coming out long, kind of thin and a little curved (I read somewhere that means constipation...?). Then last night they seemed to be pretty normal shaped but a little softer and some of them were coming out small and it seemed like there weren't quite as many. I read that a little burnt toast helps with tummy issues so I gave her a tiny bit. But this morning when I checked there were only a couple poops in her cage. But I noticed since I've been watching her since then she keeps eating her poops. Is this normal behavior for getting over tummy issues? Should I feed her anything in particular to help her along?
I've had my little girl for about a month and a half now and I'm still not quite sure what behavior is normal and when a vet trip is needed...
My concern is that my chin hasn't been pooping as much today as she normally does. She is still drinking and eating just fine and is still just as active. But for the past week or so some of her poops have been coming out long, kind of thin and a little curved (I read somewhere that means constipation...?). Then last night they seemed to be pretty normal shaped but a little softer and some of them were coming out small and it seemed like there weren't quite as many. I read that a little burnt toast helps with tummy issues so I gave her a tiny bit. But this morning when I checked there were only a couple poops in her cage. But I noticed since I've been watching her since then she keeps eating her poops. Is this normal behavior for getting over tummy issues? Should I feed her anything in particular to help her along?
Chins talking to each other at night???
I have a chinny that I have had for five years. Every now and then at night she will make a calling/warning sound but VERY rarely. Now, I have just gotten another chinchilla. I had let her relax and get used to the new environment and yesterday I moved them into the same room together so that their cages are side by side. Everything was fine. They looked at each other through the bars.
I went to sleep and around 12 the new chinchilla started to call/warn over and over again. She got Chinny going to and it was as if they were communicating to each other.
The only thing I can think of is that she is not used to noise or movement at night and with hearing the dogs she may have decided to call out?
I ended up having to move her back out of the room to where she was and I never heard a sound from her after that. Will I have to deal with it until she gets used to the extra noises at night? Could they have been really communicating? And will this help them possibly bond?
I went to sleep and around 12 the new chinchilla started to call/warn over and over again. She got Chinny going to and it was as if they were communicating to each other.
The only thing I can think of is that she is not used to noise or movement at night and with hearing the dogs she may have decided to call out?
I ended up having to move her back out of the room to where she was and I never heard a sound from her after that. Will I have to deal with it until she gets used to the extra noises at night? Could they have been really communicating? And will this help them possibly bond?
Snuffly chin :(
I'm new to the forum and ws wondering if anyone can help my with my chinchillas problem. I have 2 chinnies, 4 years old sisters.
One of them has started making a noise that I can only be described as being like, breathing with a lot of mucus. As though she is aving difficulty getting air in her lungs. (This has been goin on about a week.)
However, she doesn't do this all of the time. Her nose is also clear of discharge, her eyes bright. She is active and playfull, eating and drinking fine. She seems to be in no discomfort, acting like her happy usual self but with this odd pained noise.
It's worth noting her sister is exhibiting nothing unusual.
Any idea what this could be?
I'm new to the forum and ws wondering if anyone can help my with my chinchillas problem. I have 2 chinnies, 4 years old sisters.
One of them has started making a noise that I can only be described as being like, breathing with a lot of mucus. As though she is aving difficulty getting air in her lungs. (This has been goin on about a week.)
However, she doesn't do this all of the time. Her nose is also clear of discharge, her eyes bright. She is active and playfull, eating and drinking fine. She seems to be in no discomfort, acting like her happy usual self but with this odd pained noise.
It's worth noting her sister is exhibiting nothing unusual.
Any idea what this could be?
Getting a new chinchilla!!!
I have exciting news, I am adopting another chinchilla on Wednesday!!! (thanks to Cuddlebug Chinchillas in Aurora,CO!) He is a nearly 5 year old hetero beige and I can't wait to meet him! I just was wondering if I could have some tips on the first few weeks of introductions. I'm going to use the "car ride method" to introduce them (I asked the breeder about this and she said its fine to skip the quarantine in order to introduce them this way).
I got a little cat carrier and I'm going to bring my chin with me to pick up my new one. I have a two level feisty ferret that they'll be in. Should I just let them be together after the car ride and call it good? SOS, this is new to me and I don't want to cause either of them more stress than I need to!
I got a little cat carrier and I'm going to bring my chin with me to pick up my new one. I have a two level feisty ferret that they'll be in. Should I just let them be together after the car ride and call it good? SOS, this is new to me and I don't want to cause either of them more stress than I need to!
Suitable Drinking Water
Hello all. I am new to the forum, and I wanted to ask about drinking water. I read that you aren't supposed to use tap water for chinchillas without purifying it in some way (e.g. boiling it). I'm wondering if anyone out there does use tap water without purifying it. Also, for those that do use tap water and purify it, what steps do you take? Do you just boil it? How long do you boil it? Does anything need to be added this way?
Thank you in advance.
Thank you in advance.
lundi 16 novembre 2015
Two 13 3/4 inch flying saucers for sale.
I have two 13 3/4 inch wide flying saucers up for sale. 50.00 dollars each. Each comes with two brand new bearings. Plus the one that's on them. You pay shiping.
My email is razz98801@yahoo.com.
Leslie Simpson.
My email is razz98801@yahoo.com.
Leslie Simpson.
Waking Up to Eat
My chin, Bentley, male age 10, has been waking up lately to eat. He usually sleeps during the day, gets up to use his litter box at around 4 pm then goes back to sleep until 7, when he gets up for his 'day'.
Lately though he's been getting up several times during his sleep time to eat pellets or a bit of hay, have some water, then going back to bed. (He's pretty active during his up time, pooping good, eating a lot hay, 2T of pellets a day and he's a good weight. Gets chew sticks, a rose hip each day, and a rosebud when I have them.)
Also the other day he was up during the day, smooshed between his sleeping box and the top of the cage making a little 'murp' sound, which I've never heard from him before.
Is this unusual behavior? Should I be worried? Thanks for reading my post. :)
Lately though he's been getting up several times during his sleep time to eat pellets or a bit of hay, have some water, then going back to bed. (He's pretty active during his up time, pooping good, eating a lot hay, 2T of pellets a day and he's a good weight. Gets chew sticks, a rose hip each day, and a rosebud when I have them.)
Also the other day he was up during the day, smooshed between his sleeping box and the top of the cage making a little 'murp' sound, which I've never heard from him before.
Is this unusual behavior? Should I be worried? Thanks for reading my post. :)
Sick Chin
I have two five month old chinchillas.
The one is sick, we took her to the vet already and she is on medication and Critical Care; but today she seems to be getting worse. She has been on the meds for five days now and I've seen no changes. She still has diarrhea and no eating or drinking. I have never seen her lay on her side and just twenty minutes ago she was laying on it. If I put her on her back she doesn't try to move or fight like my other one does.
Is she dying? Will she make it through the night? Or should I look into going to the vet again?
The one is sick, we took her to the vet already and she is on medication and Critical Care; but today she seems to be getting worse. She has been on the meds for five days now and I've seen no changes. She still has diarrhea and no eating or drinking. I have never seen her lay on her side and just twenty minutes ago she was laying on it. If I put her on her back she doesn't try to move or fight like my other one does.
Is she dying? Will she make it through the night? Or should I look into going to the vet again?
dimanche 15 novembre 2015
My dogs have fleas right now and they have them bad. They don't go anywhere near my chinchillas, but there are so many that I've even found them on my clothes temporarily. We're obviously treating the dogs, but I've noticed that my chinchillas McKinley and Copernicus are scratching and nipping at their fur a ton. I've heard that chinchillas can't get fleas? Is that true, or should I be legitimately concerned about them having fleas? Also, if it is possible, what do you even put on them? Surely a cat or dog dosage, even a small one, would be enough to poison the little guys?
Heartbroken, decisions to be made...
My sweet Pepper stopped eating his pellets 2 nights ago. He is taking CC, and oats and a shredded wheat. Our vet isn't in until Tuesday, so I can keep up the feeding until then, but then what?
Our car needs work, the motorcycle that is hubby's transportation just died and needs a part, the van we were going to buy lost it's alternator and our rent is going up $90 a month. How do I justify spending $300 on him when everything else is falling apart. We could put it on credit cards, along with the car parts, but is that responsible?
How do I say I can't afford to even find out what's wrong? I am just sick about it. And if I am not careful with the stress, I will be really sick. Last time I got this stressed, I had an MS relapse. So there's that too.
Our car needs work, the motorcycle that is hubby's transportation just died and needs a part, the van we were going to buy lost it's alternator and our rent is going up $90 a month. How do I justify spending $300 on him when everything else is falling apart. We could put it on credit cards, along with the car parts, but is that responsible?
How do I say I can't afford to even find out what's wrong? I am just sick about it. And if I am not careful with the stress, I will be really sick. Last time I got this stressed, I had an MS relapse. So there's that too.
How exactly do i gradually change my chin's type of food?
So i bought a chinchilla from a pet store 2 months ago and all is going good except the fact that the food they recommended is not optimal for chinchillas.
Fist of all its not in pellet form and it has fruit in in (dried bananas and such).
It was really hard to find a good pellet food for my chin but in the end i found one, problem is i replaced his old unhealthy food with the good pellets but he refuses to eat them. To my understanding i should have gradually switched the food but how exactly should i proceed?
Also he eats his hay/alfalfa and drinks water so he is healthy.
Fist of all its not in pellet form and it has fruit in in (dried bananas and such).
It was really hard to find a good pellet food for my chin but in the end i found one, problem is i replaced his old unhealthy food with the good pellets but he refuses to eat them. To my understanding i should have gradually switched the food but how exactly should i proceed?
Also he eats his hay/alfalfa and drinks water so he is healthy.
Hello from Tampa!!!
We got our first 2 Chinchillas yesterday!
samedi 14 novembre 2015
RIP little man...
I came home from a shopping trip and one of my chins had passed.
There was no evidence of the cause, as he was perfectly fine the night before. No weight loss, there wasn't anything he could have chewed/gotten into, no visible injuries, healthy diet... He was his same old self just a few hours before I found him.
I know that I took great care of him but I feel like I failed him. He was definitely my favorite of the two and I'm going to miss him a lot. I just want to know what happened and if there was anything I could have done.
This was the little guy that I got from Hendryx chinchillas... If anyone knows how I can contact her, I'd like to let her know... Or if you guys can get let her know for me, that would be even better.
Now aside from this... What can I do with his cage furniture? Since I don't know what happened, I don't want to throw it in my other chins cage... Is there a way to sanitize it? There are a few things that I would love to reuse but I don't have to. Thanks guys.
There was no evidence of the cause, as he was perfectly fine the night before. No weight loss, there wasn't anything he could have chewed/gotten into, no visible injuries, healthy diet... He was his same old self just a few hours before I found him.
I know that I took great care of him but I feel like I failed him. He was definitely my favorite of the two and I'm going to miss him a lot. I just want to know what happened and if there was anything I could have done.
This was the little guy that I got from Hendryx chinchillas... If anyone knows how I can contact her, I'd like to let her know... Or if you guys can get let her know for me, that would be even better.
Now aside from this... What can I do with his cage furniture? Since I don't know what happened, I don't want to throw it in my other chins cage... Is there a way to sanitize it? There are a few things that I would love to reuse but I don't have to. Thanks guys.
vendredi 13 novembre 2015
Loosing Weight.. HELP!
Hello! So I have a four-year-old chinchilla and she has never had a health problem but recently I have noticed she is loosing weight.
In August I brought her to see a vet in Wyoming who specializes in small pets, specially chinchillas. When I brought her there he did an over all check up, checked for parasite by taking a stool sample (it came back negative), and then he checked inside of her mouth. When he looked inside of her mouth he notice her one molar was slanted in the wrong direction and was slightly cutting her tongue. He said it wasn't a big problem but I wanted to get it fixed since I don’t live in Wyoming, I was only out there for the summer, and I don’t know of any specialized vets in PA. The vet and vet tech told me I was a terrific chinchilla owner and that she is very healthy so I was extremely happy to hear that! (Side note: I took her to a vet a year or two ago in PA but the vet really didn’t do much besides weigh her and look at her teeth).
Anyways, she has been fine ever since August, chewing on everything and eating/drinking normally. I just noticed today (Nov. 11th 2015) that she has lost 23 grams since October 31, 2015. She use to weigh 731 grams and now she weighs 708 grams. The last time I weighed her before October 31,2015 was on October 18, 2015 and she weighed 725 grams. I know her weight fluctuates every now and then but I am just worried since I noticed what seems to be a large drop in weight for only 14 days. I am not sure if I am overreacting, which I hope is just the case, or if I should try and find a better vet to take her to.
BEHAVIOR: She is still eating/drinking normally and she is very active and playful. The only thing I have done so far was given her some Critical Care (banana and apple flavored) in her Oxbow pellets. Her diet hasn’t changed and she does get treats every now and then and her treats are Cheerios, treats from Vitakraft Chinchilla Cocktail, and an occasional little piece of burnt toast.
Does anyone have any suggestions on what I should do or am I just overreacting? I attached some pictures so you can see what she looks like.
Thanks for your help!
ADDITIONAL INFO: She has a five level cage, she drinks filtered water and she always has hay and pellets at her disposal. She eats Oxbow hay and pellets. I also clean her cage once a week and she gets a dust bath every Sunday. She is kept out of direct sunlight and our house is kept at 71 degrees. Her pee looks normal and she doesn’t have any fluids coming out from her genitals, mouth or eyes. She also has a bed she sleeps in during the day and she has two chinchilla chiller stone plates in her cage to cool her down. She also gets plenty of sticks and other toys to chew on/ play with.
In August I brought her to see a vet in Wyoming who specializes in small pets, specially chinchillas. When I brought her there he did an over all check up, checked for parasite by taking a stool sample (it came back negative), and then he checked inside of her mouth. When he looked inside of her mouth he notice her one molar was slanted in the wrong direction and was slightly cutting her tongue. He said it wasn't a big problem but I wanted to get it fixed since I don’t live in Wyoming, I was only out there for the summer, and I don’t know of any specialized vets in PA. The vet and vet tech told me I was a terrific chinchilla owner and that she is very healthy so I was extremely happy to hear that! (Side note: I took her to a vet a year or two ago in PA but the vet really didn’t do much besides weigh her and look at her teeth).
Anyways, she has been fine ever since August, chewing on everything and eating/drinking normally. I just noticed today (Nov. 11th 2015) that she has lost 23 grams since October 31, 2015. She use to weigh 731 grams and now she weighs 708 grams. The last time I weighed her before October 31,2015 was on October 18, 2015 and she weighed 725 grams. I know her weight fluctuates every now and then but I am just worried since I noticed what seems to be a large drop in weight for only 14 days. I am not sure if I am overreacting, which I hope is just the case, or if I should try and find a better vet to take her to.
BEHAVIOR: She is still eating/drinking normally and she is very active and playful. The only thing I have done so far was given her some Critical Care (banana and apple flavored) in her Oxbow pellets. Her diet hasn’t changed and she does get treats every now and then and her treats are Cheerios, treats from Vitakraft Chinchilla Cocktail, and an occasional little piece of burnt toast.
Does anyone have any suggestions on what I should do or am I just overreacting? I attached some pictures so you can see what she looks like.
Thanks for your help!
ADDITIONAL INFO: She has a five level cage, she drinks filtered water and she always has hay and pellets at her disposal. She eats Oxbow hay and pellets. I also clean her cage once a week and she gets a dust bath every Sunday. She is kept out of direct sunlight and our house is kept at 71 degrees. Her pee looks normal and she doesn’t have any fluids coming out from her genitals, mouth or eyes. She also has a bed she sleeps in during the day and she has two chinchilla chiller stone plates in her cage to cool her down. She also gets plenty of sticks and other toys to chew on/ play with.
Cheap DIY toys to keep chins busy?
I was wondering if you would all be willing to share some toys you've made for your chins. Mine seem a little bored out of cage during playtime (they keep trying to escape the play area :hmm:). I currently have a lava block, hay basket, pvc pipe to crawl through, and a wooden house out of cage and chew sticks, a hammock, a house, chew sticks, and a couple tunnels in cage.
I have no money to spend on them right now (that's all gone into the vet bills...) so I'm looking for cheap DIY stuff that will keep them busy. I have access to cardboard, fleece, and blackberry, blueberry, and grape sticks.
They really like chewing on cardboard and eating it so I don't like to use too much of that.
Even stuff that isn't toys that will entertain them or at least cause them to be interested and explore for a while would be fantastic.
Thanks so much!
I was wondering if you would all be willing to share some toys you've made for your chins. Mine seem a little bored out of cage during playtime (they keep trying to escape the play area :hmm:). I currently have a lava block, hay basket, pvc pipe to crawl through, and a wooden house out of cage and chew sticks, a hammock, a house, chew sticks, and a couple tunnels in cage.
I have no money to spend on them right now (that's all gone into the vet bills...) so I'm looking for cheap DIY stuff that will keep them busy. I have access to cardboard, fleece, and blackberry, blueberry, and grape sticks.
They really like chewing on cardboard and eating it so I don't like to use too much of that.
Even stuff that isn't toys that will entertain them or at least cause them to be interested and explore for a while would be fantastic.
Thanks so much!
Extra Dark Ebony Chinchilla in Alabama
I have a extra dark ebony female that is about five years old. She is so calm and sweet. She is not the usual chinchilla that wants to run and pop. She will sit in your hands. Unfortunately, I need to rehome her. She is local pick up only. I am open to offers. I would prefer an experience owner or one that is willing to give her a good home.
jeudi 12 novembre 2015
That moment when...
Just had to throw this out there... my furbabies are gonna give me a stroke.
Someone keeps making the saddest little murp sound.... and I have no idea who it is. SO then I feel bad and give everyone a shredded wheatie. I think they are in cahoots.
This morning I had a devious little thing THROW HER TREAT at me as i was cleaning her cage.... and when i blinked away wheatie crumbs she made a dash for freedom. Late to work trying to coax her back into her bathhouse. She KNOWS what that house is for!! lol
My newly rescued pair of girls.... well they are up to no good. THe little ninjas are fighting.... when no one is around to see it. when Im in the room or near enough to hear they are perfect. Yet I keep finding fur slip. Not shedding, not chewing... but little clumps of fur. Yet as I type they are sharing a hammock and sleeping oh so peacefully.
We have also learned that if we peel the fleece back off of the pan and scamper around on the pan itself, I wake up in the middle of the night and come to the cage. I sewed the fleece on at around 3am.
I need a nap. And a pot of coffee mainlined straight in. Find me an IV??
To sum it up.... the moment that you accept the furballs have you well trained.
Someone keeps making the saddest little murp sound.... and I have no idea who it is. SO then I feel bad and give everyone a shredded wheatie. I think they are in cahoots.
This morning I had a devious little thing THROW HER TREAT at me as i was cleaning her cage.... and when i blinked away wheatie crumbs she made a dash for freedom. Late to work trying to coax her back into her bathhouse. She KNOWS what that house is for!! lol
My newly rescued pair of girls.... well they are up to no good. THe little ninjas are fighting.... when no one is around to see it. when Im in the room or near enough to hear they are perfect. Yet I keep finding fur slip. Not shedding, not chewing... but little clumps of fur. Yet as I type they are sharing a hammock and sleeping oh so peacefully.
We have also learned that if we peel the fleece back off of the pan and scamper around on the pan itself, I wake up in the middle of the night and come to the cage. I sewed the fleece on at around 3am.
I need a nap. And a pot of coffee mainlined straight in. Find me an IV??
To sum it up.... the moment that you accept the furballs have you well trained.
Is this bar spacing two wide for a chinchilla
So I'm looking for a gate to block off part of my room during playtime for my chins. Is bar spacing of 1.75 two wide for chinchillas? Here is the gate
If so any advice for a better gate? My chins jump over 30 inch gates like its nothing.
If so any advice for a better gate? My chins jump over 30 inch gates like its nothing.
drinking a lot
Hi, so I've noticed my chin Baby has been drinking more water than usual, almost twice as much. I've been researching the site and saw a lot of things about possible diabetes but she doesn't seem to show the other symptoms I read about and she's still active and running on her wheel etc. A few other things I thought could cause this change could maybe be the weather changing or when I brought home a new chinchilla about two weeks ago (in a separate cage). I've began to measure her weight to check if she's loosing any in case it could be diabetes. Any advice would be great thank you!
Do Chins have strokes?
My 13 year old chin had dental work 3 days ago. He was showing signs of needing a trim but his teeth really weren't that bad. Weight loss probably something else that is brewing (per Vet). Chin put on critical care food for weight loss. All ok but when I was putting him back in his cage he tipped over. Now he is just laying at the bottom of his cage. I am feeding him critical care every 2 hours and he is eating. His head seems to loll to the side and his front legs aren't really doing anything but his back legs are still very strong.
My chin is under vet care but I just wonder if anyone has had this situation before. We are figuring that we are keeping him comfortable until he passes. But I'd sure like to know what may have happened. My husband thinks it's a negative reaction to the anesthesia. But he's had malo for a few years and has been having his teeth trimmed at the vet every 8 weeks for a long time.
My chin is under vet care but I just wonder if anyone has had this situation before. We are figuring that we are keeping him comfortable until he passes. But I'd sure like to know what may have happened. My husband thinks it's a negative reaction to the anesthesia. But he's had malo for a few years and has been having his teeth trimmed at the vet every 8 weeks for a long time.
mercredi 11 novembre 2015
Cinnamon being handfed
She's all better now but have you seen a cuter sick chin?

She was being such a good baby after she got the appetite enhancer and the probiotics
She was being such a good baby after she got the appetite enhancer and the probiotics
Traveling with kit, Advice Needed
Okay, I need to go home this weekend (2hrs). My female,supposed to be male chin, had a kit last week. Is it okay for them to come? I have a carrier, its a smaller cage than my large one, to put her and momma in. And traveling in the evening with sun down and will have the A/C on. Is this ok? Advice?
Chin Breeder Long Island
I'm having a very hard time finding a breeder that is active on the island, most of the sites say they haven't bred in years. Any recommendations?
Looking for a used ferret nation NJ
Hello everyone!
I have a bit of a problem lately. I just took in the three girls that were needing a rehome... The poster failed to mention that the "bonded pair" was not so bonded. I'm giving it some time to see if it was just stress from the move, but it's now time to start looking for a new cage. Before I absolutely need one.
I'm hoping someone here has a spare floating around- either a single or a double. My ceilings aren't high enough to stack a third level. I am willing to travel a bit for it!
Please pm me with a price if you can help me out! Craigslist has failed me. (I am located in central NJ)
I have a bit of a problem lately. I just took in the three girls that were needing a rehome... The poster failed to mention that the "bonded pair" was not so bonded. I'm giving it some time to see if it was just stress from the move, but it's now time to start looking for a new cage. Before I absolutely need one.
I'm hoping someone here has a spare floating around- either a single or a double. My ceilings aren't high enough to stack a third level. I am willing to travel a bit for it!
Please pm me with a price if you can help me out! Craigslist has failed me. (I am located in central NJ)
chinchilla sleeping on side
My chinchilla sometimes sleeps on his side and at first I thought he died! I was worried when this started because usually sleeps in a sitting position. I looked into this and websites mostly said this is normal and he is comfortable but some said he could be sick? He otherwise acts normal so should I assume he is healthy and fine??
I'm a new chinchilla mother so everything he does that I don't recognize makes me nervous! :neener:
I'm a new chinchilla mother so everything he does that I don't recognize makes me nervous! :neener:
mardi 10 novembre 2015
Teeth: Treatment vs. Quality of Life
My 9-year-old chin has been having more frequent dental issues and I am now considering . We've been doing floatings every few months lately, on top of Baytril & Metacam for cheek ulcers. His father passed away four years ago from health problems (dental, mostly) and his brother was put to sleep at only two years old due to dental issues. After this last floating (a week ago), he stopped eating on his own. We had been supplementing with Critical Care to get his weight up, but he wasn't even eating that when we brought him home. We took him back to the vet to be boarded, as the vet was having a better time getting his food and meds in. We also did dental x-rays.
He stayed the weekend and is now back home. The vet mentioned his upper molar roots are elongated, but thinks that there might be something else going on. They did full body x-rays, too, which were clean, but they want to do blood work. He had blood work about eight months ago and all was well, so I decided to hold off on that for now. He is not eating on his own still, and he is not taking his medicine well. He is keeping some CC down, but not really wanting to. I am waiting for a second opinion on his dental x-rays, but I wanted to see if you guys had any input.
This is my baby chin; I don't want him to suffer any longer, but I don't want to make a permanent decision if it is unnecessary. (When I asked the vet about the long-term, her solution was to keep him on pain meds.) I can attach the x-rays if it helps.
He stayed the weekend and is now back home. The vet mentioned his upper molar roots are elongated, but thinks that there might be something else going on. They did full body x-rays, too, which were clean, but they want to do blood work. He had blood work about eight months ago and all was well, so I decided to hold off on that for now. He is not eating on his own still, and he is not taking his medicine well. He is keeping some CC down, but not really wanting to. I am waiting for a second opinion on his dental x-rays, but I wanted to see if you guys had any input.
This is my baby chin; I don't want him to suffer any longer, but I don't want to make a permanent decision if it is unnecessary. (When I asked the vet about the long-term, her solution was to keep him on pain meds.) I can attach the x-rays if it helps.
Hello from Wisconsin!
Hey, I'm Jenna and I'm from Wisconsin. I've just adopted a five year old male chin named Chubbs and I've joined this messaging board because you seem like quite a knowledgeable bunch. Hope you're all having a lovely day 😊
Chinchilla in Houston
I bought a chinchilla off of Craigslist in February 2014. He is a male, and the family that owned him previously had no idea how old he was. I've recently been thinking about rehoming him because my mother and I move around a lot, and with college and work I'm not able to spend a lot of time with him. I can tell that he is unhappy and lonely, but I don't know what else to do. It's been almost two years and I still don't think he has bonded with me. I also feel very bad for him because his cage is old and I think he's grown out of it but there is no way I can afford a new one. I would just like to be able to give him to someone who will be able to spend quality time with him, care for him properly, and preferably already has experience with chinchillas. If you are interested at all, please let me know. He is really sweet and has quite a personality. Loves to be pet on his chin and behind the ears. Anyway, I'm not asking for a specific amount of money for him, just name a price. My priority is his happiness. Thank you.
Gabby Saucier
I bought a chinchilla off of Craigslist in February 2014. He is a male, and the family that owned him previously had no idea how old he was. I've recently been thinking about rehoming him because my mother and I move around a lot, and with college and work I'm not able to spend a lot of time with him. I can tell that he is unhappy and lonely, but I don't know what else to do. It's been almost two years and I still don't think he has bonded with me. I also feel very bad for him because his cage is old and I think he's grown out of it but there is no way I can afford a new one. I would just like to be able to give him to someone who will be able to spend quality time with him, care for him properly, and preferably already has experience with chinchillas. If you are interested at all, please let me know. He is really sweet and has quite a personality. Loves to be pet on his chin and behind the ears. Anyway, I'm not asking for a specific amount of money for him, just name a price. My priority is his happiness. Thank you.
Gabby Saucier
Bonding two males together, question!
Hi there, everyone! I'm new to the site and had a quick question, i'm going to start the process of bonding two males together. I think my guy would do better with a friend. Is it possible that my chinchilla will have a better chance of getting along with another male chinchilla because he was with one when I adopted him?
About a month ago, I adopted a five year old male chinchilla named Chubbs. He had been with his previous owner since he was a baby. His previous owner said that he was very aggressive with other chinchillas, but he got along very well with her three cats and two black labs. She never picked him up, and very rarely touched him... his playtime consisted of her opening his enclosure and letting him out until he lets himself back in. I don't have any other pets, but I do give him a lot of attention. He is very gentle and likes to be pet and will eat out of my hand. He likes to nibble on my nose and he takes treats right out of my mouth. I was actually very surprised at how great he is with humans for a chin who hadn't been handled often. Here's my concern: He sometimes barks, which I've read is a way to communicate with other chins. I've played sound clips of chins barking and he responds by barking back. Is this instinct or he lonely? I live with two other people, all of whom give him attention very frequently while he's active. Another chin is clearly out of the question, but my roommate has expressed interest in getting a dog lately -- maybe that will help?
lundi 9 novembre 2015
Ferret Nation Fleece Liners?
Hey guys!
So, I'm in the market for some fleece liners. I'm going to be purchasing a single Ferret Nation cage for my little girl, but I would love to have the liners first so I can get everything all set up before moving Amaris into her new home. I saw a few on Etsy, but I feel like some of those are a tad expensive for fleece. I'm also looking for something she won't be able to burrow under so it's easier for me to clean. My friend made hers, but I'm not as crafty and when it comes to chinchillas I prefer people who know what they're doing and what they're talking about. Thanks!
So, I'm in the market for some fleece liners. I'm going to be purchasing a single Ferret Nation cage for my little girl, but I would love to have the liners first so I can get everything all set up before moving Amaris into her new home. I saw a few on Etsy, but I feel like some of those are a tad expensive for fleece. I'm also looking for something she won't be able to burrow under so it's easier for me to clean. My friend made hers, but I'm not as crafty and when it comes to chinchillas I prefer people who know what they're doing and what they're talking about. Thanks!
Chinchillas in real need of a home (Tampa, Florida)
I have 2 male chinchilla brothers for sale in need with a loving and safe home. It comes with the chinchillas and a large cage with wooden shelves, bath house, food, timothy hay and more. Please email me at
aly.joelle26@gmail.com if you are interested! we are moving and can't keep them. Please they need a loving home! :thumbsup:
aly.joelle26@gmail.com if you are interested! we are moving and can't keep them. Please they need a loving home! :thumbsup:
Trouble registering
Hi, All. I was contacted by a gentleman who tried to register on the forum. He went through all the steps just fine but never received the activation email. Could someone please tell me what he needs to do to activate so I can p *** it on?
samedi 7 novembre 2015
Introduction from sunny south africa
Good afternoon. My name's Marlese. I have recently bought two adorable chinchillas. Male and female. Apparently the girl is expecting but so far i havent seen anything which also says nothing. I can not complain. My chins are adorable, each with their own personality. I thought first that the male might be sick. He is much more laid back and also his eyes aren't as big as the girl's. But at night he comes alive with a vengeance. I did notice a hairless area on his foot and some redness. Will post a picture later for advice.
Fleece help
Hello, I'm new here, long time lurker first time poster!
I need a little help, I have decided to switch to fleece liners for my chinchilla as the shavings make too much mess. I ordered some yesterday and it turned up this morning, however one of the pieces is micro coral fleece which is fluffier and softer than the polar fleece.
My girl is not a big chewer. She doesn't chew her fleece hammocks, her bed which is some type of corduroy type of fabric, and she hasn't touched the plastic trays in her FN cage (obviously I would have removed them instantly if she had started), nor even chewed her wooden shelving. Is coral fleece safe to use provided the chin doesn't chew it? It is 100% polyester just like the polar ones.
Thank you in advance:)
I need a little help, I have decided to switch to fleece liners for my chinchilla as the shavings make too much mess. I ordered some yesterday and it turned up this morning, however one of the pieces is micro coral fleece which is fluffier and softer than the polar fleece.
My girl is not a big chewer. She doesn't chew her fleece hammocks, her bed which is some type of corduroy type of fabric, and she hasn't touched the plastic trays in her FN cage (obviously I would have removed them instantly if she had started), nor even chewed her wooden shelving. Is coral fleece safe to use provided the chin doesn't chew it? It is 100% polyester just like the polar ones.
Thank you in advance:)
vendredi 6 novembre 2015
Chin Spin Issue?
Hey everyone - I was cleaning Hammond's cage this morning and found black flakes in the bottom of his cage. While trying to figure out what may have fallen into his cage I noticed a patch of coating missing off of his Chin Spin. I have had it less than a year and am not sure what could have caused this to happen? I was wondering if anyone else has had a similar issue? I have removed the wheel from his cage and have emailed quality cage company with pictures.
I am very worried and will be watching him closely as I am not sure if he has ingested any of the coating...
I am very worried and will be watching him closely as I am not sure if he has ingested any of the coating...
Looking for a hidey house and some wood!
Hello! It is time for me to switch out the old wood in my chins cage and replace it with some fresh new wood! I have been looking around, but can't seem to find what I am looking for. I am looking for a hidey house that is two levels, and not very long, just tall. I am looking for a similar height and width to this toy http://ift.tt/1WC8YDt... however, these are currently not available. Please let me know :) Also I am looking to purchase some apple twigs for my girl as well. Thank you!
Inactive chin!
Alright, well i got 2 recently adopted chins. I've only had them for 2 weeks. Both were very active the first day, after the initial shock and things calmed down i noticed one of them spent alot of time in one of the little houses i have. I rarely see he leave it besides to eat or drink. She'll carry toys across the cage and into her house and play with them there. If she is out, on lava ledge or eating, and i come home she'll dart to the house. The past owners said she was shy, but i didn't think this shy. The part that scares me though is lately she hasn't been running from me. If i open the cage she just freezes. Even if i touch her she just lowers her ears till i stop then sniffs my hand as i pull it away, or till her sister becomes curious and comes over. I'm thinking about calling a vet just to get her checked out. I just want to know how urgently i should make this visit. She drinks the most out of the 2, she's pooping plenty i clean out her little house twice daily because it becomes so full. And she does eat, just very slowly.
Custom-made Ryerson chinchilla metal carrier
I am selling a custom-made chinchilla metal carrier that was made for me by Ryerson Chinchilla Ranch in Ohio a couple of years ago. It's in excellent condition, barely used (save for some chewing on the affixed paper label, curtesy of my boys). I have one too many and am selling the one I no longer need. The price is $30.
This is a modified two-hole Ryerson carrier, without a divider in the middle, so it has a space for two to three adult chinchillas (or mom with kits) to be transported together.
The size of the carrier: 12''W x 10''D x 10.5''H
The opening hole is 6" x 9" (equivalent of 1 hole opening on a double carrier).
These galvanized metal carriers are excellent, sturdy, safe options for the transportation of chinchillas.
The door opening has its own 1/2" x 1" wire mesh latched door which can have a small feeder dish and an Edstrom 8 ounce Water Buddy bottle attached (or other water bottle) .
There is a 2-1/2" lip at the front of all openings to help keep the bedding in place.
This carrier is ideal for transporting chinchillas to a vet, a show or when moving between homes. These carriers are also excellent shipping cages for sending your chinchillas to a new home by either air or rail and are all equipped with a "Live Animal" sticker on the front of every cage and a "This End Up" sticker located on each end; all of which are highly visible. When shipping live animals this carrier doors can be fitted with a small lock, for extra protection.
I would prefer to sell locally (Toronto, GTA, Ontario, Canada), but I am also willing to ship at buyer's expense.
This is a modified two-hole Ryerson carrier, without a divider in the middle, so it has a space for two to three adult chinchillas (or mom with kits) to be transported together.
The size of the carrier: 12''W x 10''D x 10.5''H
The opening hole is 6" x 9" (equivalent of 1 hole opening on a double carrier).
These galvanized metal carriers are excellent, sturdy, safe options for the transportation of chinchillas.
The door opening has its own 1/2" x 1" wire mesh latched door which can have a small feeder dish and an Edstrom 8 ounce Water Buddy bottle attached (or other water bottle) .
There is a 2-1/2" lip at the front of all openings to help keep the bedding in place.
This carrier is ideal for transporting chinchillas to a vet, a show or when moving between homes. These carriers are also excellent shipping cages for sending your chinchillas to a new home by either air or rail and are all equipped with a "Live Animal" sticker on the front of every cage and a "This End Up" sticker located on each end; all of which are highly visible. When shipping live animals this carrier doors can be fitted with a small lock, for extra protection.
I would prefer to sell locally (Toronto, GTA, Ontario, Canada), but I am also willing to ship at buyer's expense.
jeudi 5 novembre 2015
Blue sparkle dust (Silica??)
I was talking to a friend about choices for chinchilla dust. I told him about blue cloud dust vs blue sparkle. My question does blue sparkle contain silica? He doesn't own chinchillas.
It's been a while...
Hi. It's been what seems like forever since I was last here, so I'm going to re-introduce myself to the many new members who've joined since I was last here, and hopefully some of the "oldies" remember me.
My name is Ashley. I was one of the first members on this forum when it was made. I got my first chinchilla when I was 16. I also got into breeding chinchillas for a bit, but had oldest daughter (Cassi), and life at that time was pretty nuts and it was unfair to my chins. I rehomed all of my chins about 3 years ago. Since then, I've gotten married, I've had another little girl (Ryan), and another chinchilla has fallen into my lap. I'm hoping to pick him up today or tomorrow, so I've returned to see how much has changed since I had my last, and hopefully reconnect with those I've lost touch with.
My name is Ashley. I was one of the first members on this forum when it was made. I got my first chinchilla when I was 16. I also got into breeding chinchillas for a bit, but had oldest daughter (Cassi), and life at that time was pretty nuts and it was unfair to my chins. I rehomed all of my chins about 3 years ago. Since then, I've gotten married, I've had another little girl (Ryan), and another chinchilla has fallen into my lap. I'm hoping to pick him up today or tomorrow, so I've returned to see how much has changed since I had my last, and hopefully reconnect with those I've lost touch with.
Help, I'm not ready for this!
Hello, it was a rather eventful morning! I woke up to my cat cornering something and finding out it was my very own kit (Suprise!!)! I thought they were both males.... Naturally. I even thought I knew how to sex them..... and I researched and checked, MULTIPLE TIMES! The momma seems to be doing well, sometimes kind of "barks" at the kits (theres 2) but it only seems to happen when they are searching for the milk on the momma. I am a college student so crazy schedule but I am going to try my hardest to be there more often for them! But I NEED ADVICE! What do I do???????? Help me please!
I have only had chinchillas 3 months, but I am trying really hard!
I have only had chinchillas 3 months, but I am trying really hard!
Two Sweet Male Chinchillas - Southern Maryland
I have two extremely friendly male chinchillas that need a home. One is a standard gray chinchilla (Higgins) and the other is beige with spotted ears (Lemmiwinks). I'm included their names to reference them easier. Both chinchillas will come to the doors of their cage and greet you when you walk by or come up to them. Them enjoy being pet on their heads or under their chin. They've been picked up and handled before, but they aren't very comfortable with it (they could be with time). Lemmiwinks is more outgoing while Higgins is more on the timid side.
They are around 5-6 years old. I was told they were brothers when I got them, I will not separate them.
They would come with
- a metal "flying saucer" wheel
- Ferret Nation Cage (I have it set up as one big cage, but I have all of the original pieces if you would want to separate it into two cages)
- custom metal cage pan
- hand-built wooden ledges (these are only about a year old and have some chew marks, they will need to be replaced eventually)
- remaining food (Oxbow chinchilla deluxe)
- remaining toys/toy hangers (I have a box full of chew toys, they currently have several hanging toys in their cage)
- 3 handmade fleece cage liners
- Eureka handheld vacuum (I use this to clean their cage, wouldn't use it for anything else)
- remaining dust and bath house
I'm sure I'm missing something, but basically they would come with everything you needed to take care of them.
Cross-posted on other sites and also asking around to try and find them a suitable home. I'm asking for a $250 rehoming fee, price could be negotiable if I'm able to find the right home!
I hate to part with them, but they just aren't getting the attention they need and deserve anymore.

They are around 5-6 years old. I was told they were brothers when I got them, I will not separate them.
They would come with
- a metal "flying saucer" wheel
- Ferret Nation Cage (I have it set up as one big cage, but I have all of the original pieces if you would want to separate it into two cages)
- custom metal cage pan
- hand-built wooden ledges (these are only about a year old and have some chew marks, they will need to be replaced eventually)
- remaining food (Oxbow chinchilla deluxe)
- remaining toys/toy hangers (I have a box full of chew toys, they currently have several hanging toys in their cage)
- 3 handmade fleece cage liners
- Eureka handheld vacuum (I use this to clean their cage, wouldn't use it for anything else)
- remaining dust and bath house
I'm sure I'm missing something, but basically they would come with everything you needed to take care of them.
Cross-posted on other sites and also asking around to try and find them a suitable home. I'm asking for a $250 rehoming fee, price could be negotiable if I'm able to find the right home!
I hate to part with them, but they just aren't getting the attention they need and deserve anymore.
Greetings from Lincoln, NE
I'm a California girl going to school in the heart of the midwest (Go Huskers!). It's been an adjustment to say the least and now I've found myself the proud mommy of a sweet ebony chinchilla. I am a fairly new chin mommy, it's been almost 3 months that I've had my Houdini. It has always been a dream of mine to own a chinchilla, and I have no idea why. I never had any experience with chinchillas, never had handled one before I owned one. Being the good student that I am, I did a ton of research on him and I always worry if I'm doing the right thing, I hope I am. We spend a lot of time together when I'm not working or in class, I study in his room and he's always out running around when I'm in there. I'm just glad there is a place like this where I can read other's experiences.
Lethargic and not eating much?
My chinchilla has been lazing around her cage a lot lately, and when I went to investigate I noticed that she had urine all over her private area. I immediately called a vet (because it's very hard for me to go to one in person), and she told me she might just have low blood sugar, and to just clean her up. I washed her with warm water and then blowdried her fur. At the request of the vet, fed her 2 tablespoons of sugar water (ratio 2 tablespoons of water, 2 teaspoons of sugar). This seemed to help for a day or so. Then I noticed her dragging her back legs and having trouble climbing to the second level of her cage, but then she'd jump right up and walk almost normally again, before sitting back down and slumping to her side. On top of all this, she seems to not be drinking as much water and refusing to eat anything but hay and the treats from her pellets (VitaNature brand). She won't eat her normal treats either (cheerios or dried pasta noodles). She's less than a year old, and I'm a first time chin owner, is there anything I can do? Is she sick?
Thank you for reading
Thank you for reading
Chins near Boulder?
The only breeder or rescue that I know of in Colorado is almost an hour drive for me which is without Denver traffic. Does anyone know of any other chin breeders not in Aurora? Otherwise I'm afraid I'll have to get my chin a buddy from Petsmart.
mercredi 4 novembre 2015
How can I make my chin happier
Hi there,
I have a chinchilla that my family adopted and gave to me last Christmas. He lived his first year of life exclusively in his cage and with no dust baths or hay. Of course I've brought him to a vet and corrected his diet and I give him his regular baths. He gets a few hours of time outside his cage usually from 8pm to 2am. He's still very shy and prefers not to be touched. I know that because he wasn't really socialized as a young chin and that my care is the most extensive he's really gotten in his life. Sometimes he can be very moody (although he has a very stand offish personality to start) and he often has no interest in playing or doing much of anything. I feel bad because he gets his time out of his cage and has free range in my chin-proofed apartment but I have a hard time getting him to interact with me. He knows me and my boyfriend and allows us to hold him but only briefly and I always make sure to give him a healthy treat afterwards. He seems almost bored although he does play almost like a game of tag with us when we're trying to sleep. I just want to make sure he's the happiest he can be
I have a chinchilla that my family adopted and gave to me last Christmas. He lived his first year of life exclusively in his cage and with no dust baths or hay. Of course I've brought him to a vet and corrected his diet and I give him his regular baths. He gets a few hours of time outside his cage usually from 8pm to 2am. He's still very shy and prefers not to be touched. I know that because he wasn't really socialized as a young chin and that my care is the most extensive he's really gotten in his life. Sometimes he can be very moody (although he has a very stand offish personality to start) and he often has no interest in playing or doing much of anything. I feel bad because he gets his time out of his cage and has free range in my chin-proofed apartment but I have a hard time getting him to interact with me. He knows me and my boyfriend and allows us to hold him but only briefly and I always make sure to give him a healthy treat afterwards. He seems almost bored although he does play almost like a game of tag with us when we're trying to sleep. I just want to make sure he's the happiest he can be
I think my cat scratched my chin
I left my sister to watch my chin yesterday while I was on a trip and came home to notice that Jasper was acting odd. He's staying on his chinchiller in the corner and has tiny patches of fur pulled out. He's usually very active and lively but he hasn't left the top section of his cage so I've been putting a few treats, hay, etc. up there to make sure he gets them. Jasper barks at me when I go to pet him or even put my hand near him :/ he isn't squeaking or being his usual social self...
I made a temporary structure to keep the cats away from the cage but I'm not sure what to do about Jasper. Any advice is appreciated!!!
I made a temporary structure to keep the cats away from the cage but I'm not sure what to do about Jasper. Any advice is appreciated!!!
What to buy for toys?
Hello again! I've had my 2 lovely little chinchillas now for just over a week now. So with a new week comes a bit of extra money set aside for the little ones. However as I've been browsing the internet i've noticed a lack of quality chinchilla toys. Every toy i've seen has a massive lack of information. So could someone help me make a bit of a shopping list of things to get my chins. I'd feel so much better if i could give them a few more options for play things. One of them seems very bored.
Barking and unusual behavior
Hi everyone,
My chin is usually very active and lively but I noticed just recently that he's been mostly silent all day. He's spent a lot of time on his chinchiller, but the temperature in the room is normal... He looks very alert with wide eyes, even when he appears to be relaxed. When I went to comfort him, he made a sound that was similar to barking or choking more than once. He wouldn't even come down to take a dust bath, his wheel has been mostly ignored all day... Water level is a little less than usual. He only ate treats after I laid them gently by his resting area. He won't let me pet him, feel his tummy, etc.
Please help with any advice. I'm very worried about my baby. :(
My chin is usually very active and lively but I noticed just recently that he's been mostly silent all day. He's spent a lot of time on his chinchiller, but the temperature in the room is normal... He looks very alert with wide eyes, even when he appears to be relaxed. When I went to comfort him, he made a sound that was similar to barking or choking more than once. He wouldn't even come down to take a dust bath, his wheel has been mostly ignored all day... Water level is a little less than usual. He only ate treats after I laid them gently by his resting area. He won't let me pet him, feel his tummy, etc.
Please help with any advice. I'm very worried about my baby. :(
Hello from CA
Hi there
I stumbled on this site while looking the Fortunate Chins site I guess it is no longer. They sold a great wood haybox.
I have 4 chinnies
Charlotte 10 yrs old
Baylee 8 years old
Mimi 7 years old
Tinkerbelle 7 years old
They are the sweetest little things❤️
I stumbled on this site while looking the Fortunate Chins site I guess it is no longer. They sold a great wood haybox.
I have 4 chinnies
Charlotte 10 yrs old
Baylee 8 years old
Mimi 7 years old
Tinkerbelle 7 years old
They are the sweetest little things❤️
mardi 3 novembre 2015
chin grooming me???
Whenever I scratch my chin behind her ears and wherever she likes, when I stop she starts nibbling my hands... is she grooming me? I find this funny haha! Is this normal chin behaviour? Does anyone else's chins do this?
Bald Spot
My chinchilla has developed a small bald spot on his nose. I googled what this could be and some people said it was just from rubbing his nose between bars on the cage, but other sites said he may have a fungal infection! I don't know if I should be worried or not. He generally sticks his nose between the ~1 inch gaps in bars often when he hears me opening the bag of hay. He is acting normal otherwise. Should I be worried?
Very loud barking
Just a few moments ago i was sitting here on the computer and suddenly heard my chinchilla bark. However i tried looking up the noise and its much louder and sharper then any of the sounds i found. She has also done it a few times in her sleep. They were recently adopted so i'm really unsure of how they were treated before me.
lundi 2 novembre 2015
Chins and dogs
Chinchillas were my first pet when I moved out to live with my husband. I've always had a pet dog (labs,golden retrievers, and german shepherds - I used to train guide dogs) and I been wanting to get another pet dog sometime soon. We both currently live in a flat, so looking for a small type - Medium dog good for flats. I've had some in mind, but of course they turn out to be hunters of small animals like most small dogs.
Okay so I was basically wondering if anyone here does have a small dog that has chinchillas too? And does the instinct of a dog take over even if introduced as a puppy to the chinchillas? Anyone had any experience with a small dog trying to bite them through the cage?
Let me know what your experiences are.
Okay so I was basically wondering if anyone here does have a small dog that has chinchillas too? And does the instinct of a dog take over even if introduced as a puppy to the chinchillas? Anyone had any experience with a small dog trying to bite them through the cage?
Let me know what your experiences are.
Injured foot
So looked in the cage this afternoon and saw blood all over Darwin's marble slab. It took me a bit to find the injury- hind left foot. I can't tell if it's cracked or maybe a tear from a splinter of wood. I've put on blu-kote. Cage is washed down and I've sort of restricted his cage. The bottom half of the ferret nation that contains his wheels and higher shelves is blocked off. He doesn't seem to be limping and I thought he was acting a little off but he now appears fine and is eating hay.
My question is how much should I restrict his jumping? Should I take out his 2nd smaller shelf and accessories? I will be watching very carefully overnight and the slightest sign of infection will be a vet visit. I'm going to call and discuss with them right now as I am aware of how quickly these things can get worse. Input appreciated. Thank you.
Not sure why the last pic is upside down- I suspect new glitch with windows 10 automatically turning photos off my phone.
My question is how much should I restrict his jumping? Should I take out his 2nd smaller shelf and accessories? I will be watching very carefully overnight and the slightest sign of infection will be a vet visit. I'm going to call and discuss with them right now as I am aware of how quickly these things can get worse. Input appreciated. Thank you.
Not sure why the last pic is upside down- I suspect new glitch with windows 10 automatically turning photos off my phone.
I have two male chinchillas and i am a bit concerned with the noises they make at night. Ive had my guys for a while now and they have been with each other since they left their mom. They get along usually, but latley me and my boyfriend have woken up to some noises. Sounds like theyre fighting, it just sounds like a bunch of commotion (becuase theyre usually in their house) Im not sure what to do, I havent experienced this before and i dont want anyone getting hurt. <aybe I should seperate them? help
dimanche 1 novembre 2015
champaign pinto female
this is a very difficult post for me to write, as I am looking for a possible new home for my girl Hidey.
I got her a few months ago (early july) from a breeder here in northern illinois. So she is less than a year old. She is absolutely beautiful, a champaign & white colored pinto. i will take pictures and post them as soon as i can, if there's interest.
I am a chinchilla owner, who used to have a hedgie a few years ago, and admittedly, kind of impulsively got Hidey a few months ago. I love my chinnies and they live a very good life, as I've had them for years and built a great bond with each of them . But I have not been able to give Hidey the same quality of life, mostly due to her noturnal habits and my own life events as of late. I feel like a bad pet owner. I have not had the time I thought I would have in order to bond with Hidey. I wish I did!!!
I'm wondering if there is someone in my area, or in driving distance, who might be able to give her a better quality of life. I don't want to "sell" her, or get back what I put into it, that's not what this is about (if it was, I'd post on Craigslist, not here). I just want to find someone who has the time to bond with her and make her happy. whether you have 1 hedgie already or 12. I'd give you her wheel, her hidey house, food bowl, water bottle, any food (i just bought a new bag), her toys (jingly balls), her fleece pouch she likes to snuggle in. (I would rather not give you her cage, as it's a used guinea pig type cage and I'd honestly be embarrassed to pass it on!)
Anyone interested in helping me out, let me know. thank you very much.
I got her a few months ago (early july) from a breeder here in northern illinois. So she is less than a year old. She is absolutely beautiful, a champaign & white colored pinto. i will take pictures and post them as soon as i can, if there's interest.
I am a chinchilla owner, who used to have a hedgie a few years ago, and admittedly, kind of impulsively got Hidey a few months ago. I love my chinnies and they live a very good life, as I've had them for years and built a great bond with each of them . But I have not been able to give Hidey the same quality of life, mostly due to her noturnal habits and my own life events as of late. I feel like a bad pet owner. I have not had the time I thought I would have in order to bond with Hidey. I wish I did!!!
I'm wondering if there is someone in my area, or in driving distance, who might be able to give her a better quality of life. I don't want to "sell" her, or get back what I put into it, that's not what this is about (if it was, I'd post on Craigslist, not here). I just want to find someone who has the time to bond with her and make her happy. whether you have 1 hedgie already or 12. I'd give you her wheel, her hidey house, food bowl, water bottle, any food (i just bought a new bag), her toys (jingly balls), her fleece pouch she likes to snuggle in. (I would rather not give you her cage, as it's a used guinea pig type cage and I'd honestly be embarrassed to pass it on!)
Anyone interested in helping me out, let me know. thank you very much.
Two Male Chinchillas - Southern Maryland $300
I have two extremely friendly male chinchillas that need a home. One is a standard gray chinchilla (Higgins) and the other is beige with spotted ears (Lemmiwinks). I'm included their names to reference them easier. Both chinchillas will come to the doors of their cage and greet you when you walk by or come up to them. Them enjoy being pet on their heads or under their chin. They've been picked up and handled before, but they aren't very comfortable with it (they could be with time). Lemmiwinks is more outgoing while Higgins is more on the timid side.
They are around 5-6 years old. I was told they were brothers when I got them, I will not separate them.
They would come with
- a metal "flying saucer" wheel
- Ferret Nation Cage (I have it set up as one big cage, but I have all of the original pieces if you would want to separate it into two cages)
- custom metal cage pan
- hand-built wooden ledges (these are only about a year old and have some chew marks, they will need to be replaced eventually)
- remaining food (Oxbow chinchilla deluxe)
- remaining toys/toy hangers (I have a box full of chew toys, they currently have several hanging toys in their cage)
- 3 handmade fleece cage liners
- Eureka handheld vacuum (I use this to clean their cage, wouldn't use it for anything else)
- remaining dust and bath house
I'm sure I'm missing something, but basically they would come with everything you needed to take care of them.
Cross-posted on other sites and also asking around to try and find them a suitable home.

They are around 5-6 years old. I was told they were brothers when I got them, I will not separate them.
They would come with
- a metal "flying saucer" wheel
- Ferret Nation Cage (I have it set up as one big cage, but I have all of the original pieces if you would want to separate it into two cages)
- custom metal cage pan
- hand-built wooden ledges (these are only about a year old and have some chew marks, they will need to be replaced eventually)
- remaining food (Oxbow chinchilla deluxe)
- remaining toys/toy hangers (I have a box full of chew toys, they currently have several hanging toys in their cage)
- 3 handmade fleece cage liners
- Eureka handheld vacuum (I use this to clean their cage, wouldn't use it for anything else)
- remaining dust and bath house
I'm sure I'm missing something, but basically they would come with everything you needed to take care of them.
Cross-posted on other sites and also asking around to try and find them a suitable home.
Adopted Chins + Guinnea pig food?
Well hello everyone! I've recently became the adoptive father of 2 beautiful female chins of about 2 years of age. They are first chins I've ever owned, but they already seem to be very happy and receptive of me. However a few things kinda alarmed me. First and the largest thing was that they said they have always ate Ox Bow guinea pig food, refuse to eat chinchilla food, and not to buy any chinchilla food because they simply would not eat it. Well I thought it'd be a good idea to pick some up anyway and they've been happily eating it. But with 2 years of eating guinea pig food what health issues should i be looking out for? It seems to me like they are fine, but i'm pretty New to Chinchilla keeping and would rather be safe then sorry.
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