jeudi 23 février 2017

Compressed Hay But Not Cubes?

Soo...I need a little advice. I have a chinchilla whose molars are being trimmed once a year. The vet suggested I get hay cubes in a different shape so she would have to use those back teeth more. She's never eaten loose hay so we give her hay cubes instead. She has wood shelves and hanging toys she chews on but she's never been a BIG chewer. I would much rather her wear them down naturally than spend ~$200-$400 at the vet every year.

Do hay cubes come in any shapes other than cubes? Maybe stars, triangles, etc? Have you seen these sold anywhere or know of someone that makes them? I have not found anything in my internet searches :banghead:. I would prefer for it to be timothy hay because she's on alfalfa pellets. Any other suggestions are welcomed too!! Thank you.

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