lundi 27 février 2017

Chin consistently sleeping on hand

I was just wondering if anyone had any experience with a chin sleeping on top of your hand?

One of my chins has become super cuddly over the past 3 weeks. He has really trained my partner and me to be his personal pillow while he naps for half an hour or so. He'll go over to one specific shelf, and if either one of us puts our hand in he'll push it down with his paws, crawl on top of it, settle down, chirp and usually fall asleep for a while. He's been doing this consistently every night. He doesn't like the palms (too hot and oily, I'm guessing?), but he seems to find resting on the backs of our hands comfortable. His brother is less snuggly in general. But he will come over and try to groom his brother, or chew on something right next to us, just to be close. It's very, very sweet. Is this them accepting us as part of their herd?

People seem to say that if a chin is acting 'snuggly' you should be wary that something might be wrong with them... so I'm just checking if this is completely unusual behavior. He is eating, drinking, pooping, and peeing as usual. Weight is consistent.

I am also wary of him getting too hot if he's resting on my hand. I keep an eye on his ears, and the temp is usually around 65F degrees. My hands are usually freezing anyway; I feel like he's the one warming me up.

I feel like we've been bonding well lately largely due to playtime. The last time he was out for a run, he let me scratch his tummy and under his chin for minutes on end, and then kept returning to the same spot to get more. He just stared at me with a big doofy smile; it was adorable.

I'm just hoping that this is him growing to like/accept us more, and there isn't something wrong...

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