mercredi 21 juin 2017

Sudden behavioral changes - battle mode


I'm new to the forums and am having an issue with one of my male chinchillas.

His name is Oliver, he is a dark ebony unaltered male chinchilla. I acquired him from a breeder when he was just a little baby. He has always had a very strong personality, but always sweet and playful.

However, ever since he matured into an adult chin (he is five years old now) he has absolutely despised other chinchillas. In his youth, he lived with another one of my chins, Fivol (same age - violet unaltered male) and was very happy with him. Until he matured and decided they were to be mortal enemies.

Ever since then, he will only accept females. But since I don't plan on breeding him nor do I have any spayed females, he's living solo.

About one month ago, he somehow figured out how to get himself from his enclosure to his arch nemesis' layer (he got himself into Fivol's enclosure) I was gone at work when this happened (I still cannot figure out HOW he did it...) needless to say, I came home to a bloodbath. My Fivol was torn to bits and since Fivol is a VERY passive chinchilla, he didn't fight back. Oliver was in perfect condition. Not even a nip on his ear/nose.

Oliver was relocated away from the other chins and is now in his own (entirely his own) enclosure.

Here's the issue now: Ever since this battle he has been in “battle mode” and is not as friendly as he used to be. He is defensive, barks at being touched, he will pee on you to try and deter you from touching him, grinds his teeth, clicks them together irritably and overall gets himself all fired up over the littlest thing.

This is not a normal behavior for him, he is usually very curious and always has to investigate things before their put in his house (hands included) but never has he shown such agitation. He has not tried to bite yet, but he threatens to if you push him any further, once he's heated.

He doesn't lunge, bite, or act aggressive per say, but more like something is really bothering him. I cannot find any injuries on him or bite wounds. I have always taken care of him first before any of my other chins, due to his a fore mentioned problem with other chins. So I don't smell like Fivol or anyone else that would set him off.

He's OK with being picked up and smooshed like normal and doesn't “attack” me, but like I said, a switch has gone off in his little mind and I don't know what to do about it...

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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