lundi 28 janvier 2019

Gandalf has watery eyes

Hello, I am a new member and have 1 chin, Gandalf. He has had watery eyes for the last couple of weeks, and the vet told me she thinks it was his bath dust irritating his eyes. I took his bath away and his eyes still are runny after a week.
The vet said to try switching his litter, and I just did today. I'm switching him from pine to paper material.
He is not drooling, he eats and drinks, and doesnt seem to be in pain when he eats, so I'm hopeful it isnt a problem with his teeth. The vet said if this new litter doesnt work, she wants him to go xrays on his teeth in 2 weeks.
Any ideas what this could be? I would attach a picture but I cant figure out how to do that.

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