vendredi 14 avril 2017

Opinions on Potential PetPlanet Chinchilla Cage?

I was wondering if people could weigh in on this potential cage, the Rat & Ferret Cage by PetPlanet:

Ferret Nations are hard to come by in the UK. Not impossible, but they're much more expensive than they are in the US. I was wondering if this might be a good alternative to upgrade the chins from their starter cage as I want to give them more romping room. It looks like it comes with metal pans already which is definitely a plus as it's difficult to find someone in the UK to make the metal pans to measure, and I think shipping from BassEquipment would be fairly pricey. I'd be leaving out the extra metal shelves and ladders and filing with wooden platforms, and probably either tiling or fleece-ing the bottoms. But how does everything else look to people?

I can't find very much information on the cage, besides one review on YouTube from a girl who has rats:

I'm just wondering if there are some obvious pitfalls that I'm not seeing as of yet... Any opinions from more seasoned chin-friends would be much appreciated! Or if someone has experience with this cage, even better!

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