samedi 14 octobre 2017

Potential constipation and hairball

Hi. I need opinion whether any treatment is needed for my chin, Candy. Last Tuesday, I found that she chewed through my vacuum's electricity cord (not plugged in at that time, she somehow got to it when the vacuum was placed on top of the cage). So I've been monitoring and weighing her everyday. She seemed fine until earlier this week when I started to notice a decrease in poops and slight decrease in appetite (she also lose about 12g over 1 week). However she still ate and drank and was very alert and energetic during playtime. Nevertheless, I was still quite concerned so I took her to the vet for the first time (she is 11 months old). She got whole body X-rays to see whether there's any metal or cord remains in her GI tract. The radiology report has come back and the radiologist concluded the following: large amount of amorphous soft tissue opacity filling the small bowel and cecum. Cecal impaction should be considered. The amorphous soft tissue opacity within the stomach may represent a hairball. Symptomatic treatment for a hairball and cecal impaction could be considered. In the past two days though, her appetite has seemed to come back and she is definitely pooping more now. My vet (she is not a certified exotic animal's vet) has suggested that lubricant such as oil can be given orally to Candy to help her. I am not sure if, at this point, any treatment is needed or whether giving lubricant is safe for chinchilla. I plan on calling the vet tomorrow to ask more details. Any suggestion or recommendation is strongly appreciated! I want to make sure that she is 100% healthy! Thanks!

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