lundi 15 juillet 2019

New chin owner: yet another poop post

So around a month ago I adopted my first chin. There were some hiccups with his diet around the start (with many websites advocating for daily fresh greens, mistakenly) which were quickly corrected after 3 days. His poops returned to normal for a while, before turning slightly soft a few days ago. Some are longer than they should be and can have a slight tear drop shape. They dry hard. Treat giving has completely stopped, and I have removed his pellets so he's on a hay diet.

He is currently eating Timothy Hay Natural, and Oxbrow chinchilla pellets (garden variety). I've removed any new toys, including a pumice stone square (which I doubt could be the cause) and a set of small animal woven balls.

Behavior wise, he is still very active at night, and plays normally. There are no lumps on his belly, and he let's me touch it, his ears are regular in color, there's no discharge around his eyes, and he is still eating normally. The only difference is that he has been drinking a lot of water, possibly before the softer poops.

Is there anything else I should be doing? When should I start panicking and calling the vet?

Additionally, although he doesn't show any physical signs of overheating, could this be caused by the temperature being a few degrees too hot? I live in a farmhouse, so temperature can occasionally fluctuate. If this is the case, would cooled/frozen river rocks be enough to counter this?

Finally, I lived within range of the Earthquakes which hit California, so could these softer poos just be from stress? Thank you guys for your time and patience.

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