jeudi 1 mars 2018

Help, please!


My chinchilla (chalupa) is a 12 year old male. 2 days ago I had noticed his penis was out of the sheath. I checked for fur rings- did not find any and put it back in. Over the last two days every few hours the penis comes back out and I gently put it back in with no trouble. This has never happened before. My friend is a vet tech and checked his teeth, felt for any abnormalities and did not see any. Checked the bedding and he is urininating so the penis is working. I have taken him out several times and he is alert and peppy as always. I am worried because he is not taking treats though which he generally loves. Why is this happening? Is it something To be concerned about? Chinchilla does not seem to be in any discomfort.

Any advice welcome, please!

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