mardi 13 mars 2018


Hi guys!
I recently got my chinchilla at the beginning of the new year. He's now 10 months old. He's happy, active, playful, but so extremely loud.
I understand that chinchillas will ALWAYS make noise. (I have a hedgehog who use to be so noisy until I did research and changed his cage a bit. He now doesn't wake me up in the middle of the night because the noise is moderate.)
I can't seem to figure out what's best for a chinchilla though.
His wheel is not a problem. It make's just as much noise as my hedgehogs.
I purchased a cage from Petsmart by the brand "All Living Things". When he hops around the metal tends to be extremely loud and disruptive. He has fleece at the bottom and it's three stories.
Are there cages that can absorb the shock of his hops better to be less noisy? Ir read ferret nation can help this, but I don't want to spend $200 if it's ultimately the same thing; or is it best to find a blueprint online and build a home for him out of wood?

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