samedi 24 février 2018

Does this Baytril dose seems correct? New vet.

My 14 yr old chin has a bad infection in her nether regions. I've moved and went to a new vet who seemed knowledgeable when i spoke with him, but when i was paying, the secretary said she had never seen a chinchilla before mine so I now have some mild doubts....

He gave me betadine to swab the area 3 time daily, plus 5 50mg baytril tablets to crush up in 125ml (half cup) water and give 1ml once per day for 14 days.

Chinchilla is only 400g.

Mathing a bit: 5*50mg = 250mg in 125ml water, aka 2mg in 1ml water.

Is that how you'd math that? And does that seem right?

I read on baytril's site for small exotics dosage is 5-10mg/kg, but only for 5 days...
At 5/kg, for a 400g chin that's 2mg, which matches above...IFFFF I'm mathing correctly.. i don't trust my math abilities....

And what's with the 14 days vs 5 on their site?? Is 14 days too long? I know the dangers of stopping antibiotics too early, but I also know baytril is a big gun and overdosing is lethal.

Any reassurance would be greatly appreciated!

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