mercredi 18 septembre 2019

Need a new home for my mosaic boy.

Hi everyone.

I'm hoping someone here will be able to help me. I am very sad to say that I will need to find a new home for my mosaic boy. He's about 6 years old. I would be happy to re-home to anyone here for free, along with his two story ferret nation, his hammock, his snuggle tube, and his steel saucer. I just want him to go somewhere that will treat him right. I wouldn't offer him free elsewhere, for fear of him being harmed.

I am located in Ann Arbor, MI. I can drive to you if you're within 3-4 hours of me, but then I may not be able to bring the FN.

Chillermo (pronounced like Guillermo) is a great little guy. He's got a special little spot on his one side. He's sassy, stubborn, knows what he wants, and will be sure he let's you know too. He's also very sweet and enjoys hanging out on your shoulder, nibbling and grooming you (or your glasses). He does not entirely enjoy being held but will tolerate being handled in other ways. He absolutely loves his saucer. He can be a picky eater. Poplar used to be his favorite wood but I think with age that has changed a bit and he's less picky. He of course loves his dust baths and his treats, too.

If anyone is interested or can help me out, please reply below or send me a message. I can also post photos.

I am hoping to find him a home before November.

Thanks everyone.

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