jeudi 12 septembre 2019

Chinchilla Malo


I am asking for input on my chinchilla. He has had eye discharge for about 3 months now that has been pretty mild. He went to the vet, for a corneal ulcer test done, and results came back with no injury. He was prescribed antibiotic eye drops, which did not work. He then was prescribed ointment, which also did not work. He has been fine for a while, with the discharge not worsening or getting better. Today, his eye was closed shut and had goopy, yellow discharge. He has been eating fine, drinking, pooping, peeing, active, and still chews on toys, and also does not show signs of drooling. Is it possible he could have Malo with this type of discharge, or would it be more watery? He also has a very red eye, as well as hair loss and red dining around the eye. Does it seem more like an infection?

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