samedi 2 février 2019

How do I treat my chinchillas ringworm??

I got my chinchilla around 3 weeks ago and I started to notice a missing patch of fur by her nose. I kinda disregarded it but then it started spreading and after a little research I came to the conclusion she has ringworm. I bought Tinactin dust and I’ve been putting 1 tbs for 1 cup of dust in her bath for about a week but it seems like it’s just getting worse. Her ears are starting to lose fur and they look a little scaly. I’ve been seeing that a lot of people use flowers of sulphur in the dust but I can’t find it. Instead I found something called MSM that claims to be organic sulphur. I was wondering if anyone knows if I can use this for my chin? Is it the same as flowers of sulphur?

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