lundi 27 novembre 2017

Please can someone help???

hello anyone who might be reading this i could really use some advice on a hair ring, so teddy is my male chinchilla and hes been for the last maybe month grooming down there excessively i thought it could be a hair ring but he might just get rid of it himself as i have tried to do hair ring checks before but failed as he is quite fidgety and i didn't like stressing him out. I noticed that he started making pain noises and when id look over he was grooming himself.. i decided that i was just going to try again and have a look for myself so i managed to start a hair ring check but his penis is extremely swollen and it cant go back into the skin properly i managed to pull some of it down and i noticed some kind of blacking colour on his penis but i'm not sure if its hair or dying there's a very large lump that i cant pull the skin past which i suspect is the hair ring would Vaseline be okay to try and glide it a bit easier i'm just scared i might rip his skin if i pull too much hes obviously in pain as when i touched he was kicking me so hard that i'm now bleeding do you think i should take him to the vet to remove it or still try at home? the vets is closed right now and i don't think any of them close by have exotic vets that's why i'm trying to still deal with it at home but i feel like its better for a vet... Thanks

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