mardi 8 octobre 2019

Terrible Two's or Something Else?

I've got a chinchilla that's two years old now, so by human standards I'm thinking maybe she's hitting her terrible two's (although I've heard elsewhere that they happen sooner than 2 years old).

Recently she's figured out how to get under the bed (we have it blocked off for safety reasons, but even for how big she is she's still managing to wiggle past our blockade). She's gotten under the bed before, but by accident, as in she fell between the back of the matress and the wall because I forgot to stuff a pillow there before I let her out. But she gave up on recreating her accident for a year at least, until recently when she wiggled between my pillows one time AND another time pulled the plywood blockade away from one of the corners of the bed. She now knows that the weakpoints are at all corners of the bed.

We've since fortified our blockade but unfortunately she's now obsessed with getting under there again - when I let her out that's literally ALL she wants to do. She goes from corner to corner and yanks on the plywood so hard I think she's going to hurt herself. It's gotten to the point where I end her playtime when she exhibits this behavior (a method that she worked to curb bad behavior in the past).

But there's another problem - when I pick her up to put her back she's anxiously kicking me, nibbling my fingers, pulling at the buttons on my shirt. And when she's back in the cage she's freaking out, wall to wall, chewing on her metal wheel loudly and scrapingly and yanking at the carabiner clips that hold her hammocks up ALL NIGHT to seemingly make as much noise and trouble as she can (she's never done this before).

I'm not sure if this sounds like Terrible Two's to you guys? And if she's just over obsessed with getting under the bed and throwing tantrums right now, and if this will pass over time. I'm mostly afraid she's going to hurt herself with how stressed out she seems when she can't get what she wants and then wind up hating me for putting her on time-out when her behavior gets outrageous.

This happens every single day. She doesn't even seem to enjoy being out for playtime anymore, she just wants to get under the bed. It's looking a little like neurotic behavior and I'm sort of worried about her.

Does anyone have any suggestions for what to do to help her get through this? I was thinking about downgrading and doing playtime in the bathroom for a bit, but when she's upset like this she does everything she already knows she's not supposed to do, like ripping chunks off the baseboards, and I don't want her causing the same damage to our bathroom that she's caused in my room already while growing up.

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