dimanche 25 novembre 2018

Advice for putting away a cage

Hiya I'm new to this site and new to owning chinchillas. I'm still learning even after having my boys for two years. Its time for a change from their cage because I made the decision to get a CN without reading up on its more fragile bars. Since I'm not 18 nor living by myself I had to ask my mom about switching to the FN. She isn't a fan of the idea because its only lasted a year (due to my poor choices, like the wheel and my ledges being too wide), so some of the bars have snapped and the cage is growing louder and rickety. But the main problem for her is storing the cage. Taking it apart is an option but its worse taking it apart than putting it together and I'm afraid she'll stress and give up on me. And we both feel like its a waste of money to keep it in the basement. I was thinking of recyling it but I don't even know what type of metal its made of aside from the coating. I just want to ask
if there other suggestions I might not be taking in, aside from selling it. Nobody deserves nor wants that cage in its current condition. And if there isn't anything else we'll just put it down in the basement. Thank you!

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