jeudi 11 octobre 2018

Catching chins when play time is over?

So I am on week 3 of having my two chins. They are 2 weeks old and I had gotten them from a lady off of kijiji.

So I’ve been letting them venture out this week into the classroom once the students have left. I started with opening the bottom door to see if they were interested. Them seemed to want to but the jump was high so I used a dust bath to transport them out (they do not like being picked up, and I don’t want to chase them around the cage).

Now I have found a way to use a mini chair as a step for them on their way down, so I open the door after the students are gone and they come out when they are ready to.

But it’s getting them back in is what the problem is....

One of them I can use the dust bath trick (she still freaks out and bites me a bit when I cover the front but seems fine once she is out). But the other one seems to be learning the trick... she will only stick half her body into the bath! I tried to scootch her bum in but the exact opposite happened... she panicked tried to get out but hit my hand and then got so scared of me and wouldn’t go near the dust bath again... it ended up with her in a little cubby barking at me while I was trying to get her to go back in. I have never felt so bad in my life. I could tell she was scared and after almost an hour of trying a combination of letting her calm down, getting treats and out smarting her I got her. But I knew she was not a fan of this procedure. Once I got her into the gate she seemed fine (even grabbed a snack). And once she calmed down when she was on the floor she would come and sniff my fingers and stuff so I don’t think she scarred tooooo much. Or I hope not anyways.

My point is, I don’t know what to do to get her back in... and I don’t want to deter her from dust baths. But she really does appear to enjoy going out of the cage... especially since she makes the journey her self.

Any suggestions?

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